Ep 5: Flight of the Irondad

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Summary: IronDad, that's it. It's just Irondad. Nothing else. Peter has already been through enough shit already. All he needs right now is IronDad....also maybe some stony.


-Peters POV-

Welp, if there's one thing I didn't expect to happen today, it was being chased by a living Laser, literally, that's actually his villain name, living laser.

"Maybe today was a bad day to come back from my little vacation" Karen said, as I continued to swing away.

"Karen, not Now!" I shot back.

We continued to get away from living laser, but while swinging away, he managed to tore some of my suit, which sucks! Do you know how long it takes to see this thing back together! As I thought that me and Karen were doomed, Ned came into the com link.

"Peter, good news, the Ultimates are on there way" Ned said over the communication device.

Thank god. Just then the Ultimates came to help. I swing to them.

"Thank good you guys are here!" I said, as I tried to catch my breath.

"Took you guys long enough too" Karen added.

"Will what did you expect, we were on the other half of the city" Luke said.

"Never mind that, do you guys have the files on Living Laser" I said, as I saw living Laser get closer....still can't believe that's his villain name.

"Yep, right he-" but before Sam could finish his sentence, living Laser started shouting lasers at us.

We all got into battle mode and started attacking him, hoping we can find his weaknesses. After a while, there was no sign of a weakness. Will were doomed. Not only that. But Living Laser started growing, and growing.
But out of no where, a blast came. Living Laser then starts to shrink. I was surprised to see a blast come out of no where. I turn around to see who blaste- OH MY GOD ITS TONY STARK!!! HES ALSO IN HIS IRONMAN SUIT!!!

This is the best day of my life! While I was fanboying, Mr Fury came out of no where, to take Living Laser to Shield custody. Tony Stark then landed in front of Mr Fury, and they both started talking. Wonder why Mr Fury looks annoyed. I continue to fanboy until I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turn around and see my team mates looking at me, confused.

"Uhh, are you okay?" Ava asked.

"Okay? Of course I'm Okay. But forget about that! Do you guys realize who's over there right now!" I said, pointing to Tony Stark.

"...Iron ma-?" before Luke could finish his sentence, I interrupted him.

"Tony Stark! Aka the best engineer of all time! Not only did he make the best suit of all time, but he's also made working arc reactor energy!" I said with excitement.

"I'm guessing he's your favorite avenger" Danny said.

"Yes!" I answered.

While, I was telling the Team about why Tony Stark is the best engineer of all time, I over heard something from the conversation Mr Stark and Mr Fury.

"I should get going, I have to find a way to track down that laser guy" Mr Stark said.

I look around and noticed that Living Laser was gone, although his photon pattern may still be here. I walk up to Mr Stark and Mr Fury to tell them the idea.

"T-Try tracking down there Photon Pattern!" I said to them, hoping to help.

Tony Stark then looks at me, and then says, "Not a bad idea kid"

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