Mini Ep 9: Business Meetings and Crushes

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Summary: When Danny goes to a business meeting for Rand Industries, a few things happen. Aka, Danny has a crush on Peter. Peter is confused as to why Danny's at the business meeting Tony is attending. Tony is an overprotective parent. And Steve is now wondering if he and Tony have a love child he didn't know about.


-3rd POV-

So....yeah....turns out being a teenage superhero while technically being a owner of a huge company, and also going to school, is harder then it looks.

That was life for Danny alright. But unlike 'other' company owners (-cough cough- Tony Stark -cough cough-) Danny actually has a good schedule, and was pretty organized. He had to be if he going to be a superhero and a high school student. So today wasn't so bad for Danny, the only major thing planned for today was attending a Business meeting. But this time, the business meeting is way more important then usual.

You see, this Business meeting is being held by Pepper Potts, aka, the CEO of Stark industries. But why is Potts holding a business meeting. Long Story short, she decided that it would be best if Stark Industries were to start making partner ships with other Industries. But unfortunately, there was only room to make one partner ship so far. So that's why the meeting is happening, to see which company can successfully get a partner ship with Stark Industries first. Rumor has it that Tony Stark himself would be attending.

Danny was a little hesitant at first, as for two main reasons. One being that he's a nice guy, and would happily let someone else achieve the partner ship first. But his assistant told him to go anyway, as this is most likely a once in a life time opportunity. The second reason however was a little different.

The second reason being is that Peter is technically now Starks son. Danny has heard many rumors around the Business world about Stark having a secret son, as someone has once seen Stark speaking to a kid that looks almost like him. Of course no one has said anything to any journalist as of fear of being sued. But Danny knew that the guy had probably just seen Stark talking to Peter, who's his intern. Now your probably why Peter basically being Tony Starks is a reason for him to be hesitant.

You see, it all started the other day at the Helicarrier after Training. Danny was talking to Peter privately, not the first time they spent private time together though. A couple days after Peter joined Team Ultimate, he and Danny got along quite well. So well in fact that they've been hanging out alone together with the rest of the gang. Even though that sounds a bit rude, Danny enjoyed his private times with Peter. Danny wasn't sure why though.

There wasn't something that Danny couldn't explain when ever he was around Peter. Whenever he was around him, he would get butterflies in his stomach when Peter smiled brightly at him with those innocent, Bambi, eyes. Danny would sometimes blush when Peter cutely laughed. Not only that, but Danny always loves when he thinks how sweet and kind Peter is.

So during that private time Danny loved so much, he was admiring Peter as they both talked. That was until Peter realized that Danny's face was red. Peter asked Danny if he was okay, and why his face was red, Danny was a tiny but embarrassed and got redder. Danny started blushing even more when Peter put his hand on his forehead, as Peter now thought that Danny was getting sick. When Danny tried to tell Peter again that he was okay, he accidentally tripped, making him and Peter fall down.

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