Mini Ep 8: Rule 1: Never give Peter candy after 3:00

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Summary: The story as to why no one is allowed to give any candy to Peter after 3:00 without supervision from his was mostly Luke's and Sam's fault this happened.

A/N: This was a request made by The5thMoonOfMarigold

-3rd POV-

Honestly by now, no one can really tell what a normal day is anymore. After all the shit that's been happening lately, it's hard to tell when a normal day will suddenly turn into some crazy adventure. Just like yesterday when Team Ultimate met Thor and ended up on Asgard, and also found out that Loki was apparently alive this whole time.

Besides all that, the team was hoping that it would be a regular day for once.....but since was it not a crazy day. As today, Luke and Sam made a huge mistake.

A. Really. Huge. Mistake.

It started out just fine, Sam brought a bag of candy to training so he can have something to snack on during break. During break, Luke asked if he could have some. Sam surprisingly decided to share his bag of candy. Everyone was pretty simple after that, at least until Peter asked for some candy.

"Hey guys, mind if I have some candy too?" Peter asked, wanting some of that candy.

"I don't know, are you sure you aunt will allow you to have candy without her permission." Sam said jokingly.

Peter makes an adorable angry face and says, "I'm not a kid! I don't need permission to have candy."

Luke laughs a little bit and says, "Are you sure Pete? Not to be rude and all, but you sometimes do act like a kid. And besides, the last time we let you do something without you aunt's permission, the school science lab caught on fire."

Sam also laughs a bit and nods. "Yeah, so we're not gonna give you candy. Wait until your old enough to cause less distraction." Sam says as he continues to laugh a bit.

Peter continues to do his cute angry face. He wasn't a kid anymore, he was 14. He could make his own choices with out destroying anything. He could most certainly have candy without any permission from Aunt May. And plus, the lab fire wasn't his fault....not entirely anyway.

As it sounds like there was no way that Sam and Luke were gonna give him candy without any permission from Aunt May, there seemed to be only one way to get that candy. It worked before, so there was a chance it could work again. Peter may not like doing this, but there was no other choice, he would have to use....his 'Secret Weapon'

"Guys, can you look at me real quick" Peter says, putting his plan into action.

"Why?" Sam says, as he and Luke both look at Peter.

"Yeah, why do you wa-...oh no. Oh no no no, not again" Luke says.

"Luke what are yo-...Oh god. Not again." Sam says realizing why Luke was panicking.

Before Luke and Sam could look away, Peter used his 'Secret Weapon'...the Puppy dog eyes. "Can I please have some candy" Peter says, while using his Puppy dog eyes.

Sam and Luke were both too late to look away. Once someone looks at those puppy dog eyes, there was no chance you can say no.


"Can someone tell me why my intern was trying to him off a building while reciting these these random phrases!" Tony said, as he (literally) blasted into the break room, holding a sugar high Peter, who is currently squirming and trying to escape.

Sam looks completely scared while Luke laughs nervously. Everyone looks at them.

"Sam...Luke...what did you too do?" Ava said, as she knows this was their fault.

"Ummm, you see....we may have given some candy to Peter" Luke says, as he continues to laugh nervously.

"How much candy?" Fury says stern, as he wishes that these kids would just stop getting in these messes already.

"We only gave him a tiny bit I swear!" Sam says, still scared.

"More Candy Please!" Peter says, still on his sugar high.

Let's just say that day ended with Sam and Luke getting bathroom cleaning duty for a week. While, Danny, Ava, and Tony tried to stop Peter almost setting stuff on fire....even though Peter already set 4 things on fire.

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