Ep 2: The Beginning (Part 2)

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Summary: After agreeing to Join Shield, Peter and Karen make there way the the Helicarrier with Nick Fury to put there rest out some cool advantages of being in Shield. But what happens when he meets some more new faces?


-Peter's POV-

After a while, we make it to the Helicarrier. When I stepped out of the jet, my eyes widened with amazement. This place is so Awesome! I jump up and down as I cant hold in my excitement. Mr Fury must have noticed as he told me to calm down. He then told me to follow him, so I did. Soon we made it to a training room where Mr Fury told me that this is where we test my skills and the the training will be on a sixty second timer. He then left the room and started the training simulation. So now here I am, fighting a bunch of robots, with Karen helping me by scanning the robots and looking for there weak spots.

"Captain America Finished this Training in ten seconds, so you better focus if you want to be that record!" Mr Fury yelled thought the speakers.

"We can do better then that, we'll show him!" Karen said, probably enraged. I swear if she were human, she would have a face of pure anger.

"Karen, please calm down" I said to her, while shooting webs at the robots.

I continue to beat some of the robots with Karen telling me what the weaknesses are. My spider sense then tingled, warning me about something behind me. I then moved out of the way. It was a good thing I did as I saw what my spider senses warned me about. It was a huge robot that apparently tried to garb me.

After Karen scanned the robot, she told me, "Be careful Peter, if it garbs you, it will send a electric shock though it's arms. You might be able to distract it though"

"Got it, thanks Karen" I said, glad to know Karen has my back.

I then start shooting some webs at it, while swinging around hoping it might confuse the robot. I couldn't help but think during the battle that someone was watching me.

-third POV-

Meanwhile In another room, a group of unknown faces were watching though the window looking at the battle happening in the the training room.

"I actually managed to beat the course in 20 seconds" Someone wearing a green outfit with a dragon symbol said.

"Will I managed to beat that course in 18 seconds" Another person wearing strange looking sun glasses said.

While those two were fighting, a girl in a while cat looking outfit said, "I personally believe that there is not discipline in his fighting technique, he's just trashing around."

Just then a new person wearing a bucket on his head came in the room and Said, "Hey Fury! How come your testing out this new guy? I didn't approve of this."

"Oh look, he still believes he's team leader, how cute" The girl said mockingly

The boy pouts and says, "Will ones thing for sure, I'm not gonna let this guy lead the team"

"Will hay, who knows, he might be a better leader then you" The guy with weird sunglasses said, joining in the conversation.

As they continue to joke about the boy wearing a bucket being leader, the girl with a white cat suit added in something.

"You know, it's kinda sad that he named himself Spider-Man"

"Will what else was he supposed to be name himself" The guy with sunglasses asked.

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