Mini Ep 14: Peter got a date?!

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Summary: So apparently Peter got asked out by another boy from his class. Everyone of course spy's on them because they want to see what drama happens or because their too overprotective of Peter...unless your Danny, you'll just be Dying inside.

A/N: Requested by The5thMoonofMarigold


-3rd POV-

So Peter got a date. Nobody saw that coming, cause I sure didn't....also, sorry to break the news, but Peter isn't going on a date with Danny. He's going on a date with some boy from his science class, I think his name was Jacob or something. I don't know.

Anyway, during lunch, Jacob had asked Peter out on a date to the movie theater. Team Ultimate, Ned, Mj, and Harry had all thought Peter was gonna politely reject Jacob, but surprise surprise, Peter accepted. Mostly because Peter didn't know Jacob asked him on a date. But when Peter accepted Jacobs offer, Danny couldn't help but feel jealous...also I think he's slowly dying inside....yeah, I'm pretty sure Danny's slowly dying inside.

I should probably also tell you guys that Sam can't keep his mouth shut for life, as when Team Ultimate was training with the Avengers observing them, he just straight up told them that Peter was going on a date. This of course made Tony very, very, very, angry. Probably because he was an overprotective father. Not only that, but Natasha was getting ready to kill this guy if her ever hurt her Spider child. And I think the Avengers were getting ready to kill this 'Jacob too'. Team Ultimate on the other hand, while not overprotective, we're still worried about Peter going on this date as he is rather innocent. Ned, Mj, and Harry meanwhile we're at Mj's place getting their disguises ready to spy on Peter and his date.

Peter had tried to calm down the Avengers and told them it was no big deal, and that it wasn't a date! So what did they do...they got disguises and decided to spy on Peter and his date without them knowing...the same with Team Ultimate...though I'm still confused on why they brought Danny, as he is slowly dying inside just by thinking that Peters first date is taken. So that brings us to now, where there all on the back seats of the movie theater watching Peter and Jacob who are at the front seats...but mostly Jacob to make sure he won't do anything to hurt Peter an- is that Harry, Ned, and Mj in front of Avengers and Team Ultimate? Man, they really suck at disguises, as their disguises are just trench coats and sunglasses.

It's clearly obvious that Team Ultimates and The Avengers disguises are way better....even though their just wearing base ball caps and jackets...seriously, how is no one recognizing them for god sakes. I'm pretty sure if I was their I would most definitely recognize them right away, especially the Hulk. It's not that hard when you look at them...oops, sorry, got off track their.

So where was I....oh yes....So that brings us to now, where the Avengers, Team Ultimate, Ned, Harry, and Mj are spying on Peter and Jacob. Let's see what their saying, shall we?....

"Should we really be doing this?" Luke asked, while adjusting his base ball cap.

"Most definitely. I want to see what drama happens." Sam(Alexander) says, with his mouth full of popcorn.

"I'm only here so that 'Jacob' won't hurt my baby Spider." Nat says, as she continues to shape her knife.

"If he hurts my son by the slightest, he's dead" Tony says, being an overprotective father.

"While I am worried about Peter, should we really invade his privacy?" Steve asks, actually kinda making a point.

"I'm more concerned about that guy, he okay?" Sam(Wilson) asks, as he points to Danny, who looks like he seen a ghost....yep, definitely dying inside.

"Don't worry, Danny is just dying inside. He'll get over it." Ava said, while she actually watches the movies. The movie is a live action movie of one of her favorite books.

Mj nods and says, "Honestly, his crisis face is perfect for my sketch book."...she's drawing Danny's crisis face isn't she.

"We...really need to get you a better hobby." Harry said, as he was always confused about Mj's hobby of drawing people's faces when they're having a crisis.

"Look, the son of Stark and his companion are talking." Thor says, as he points that out.

"Everyone be quite. I want to hear what their saying." Loki says....I should probably have mentioned that Loki was here Loki is here too. And Peter calls him Uncle Loki now...probably should have mentioned that too an couple episodes back.

Everyone then shits up and listens to what Peter and Jacob are saying.

"So Peter, how are you enjoying this movie so far?" Jacob asks Peter.

"Better then I expected to be honest." Pete said blankly.

"Will that's good." Jacob says, smiling.

Peter then looks at Jacob, smiles, and says, "Other then that, thanks for inviting me here Jacob."

Jacob continues to smile and say, "Your welcome.". They sat their silently for a few moments, but then Jacob said, "So Peter, how you ever thought about dating someone?"

"W-What?! What m-makes you say that?" Peter asks, sounding very nervous. He also starts blushing a lot.

"Will, it's just that...I've been wondering..." Jacob stops mid sentence and brings his face closer to Peters.

"J-Jacob?" Peter said, confused on what Jacob was doing.

Jacob continues to bring his face closer to Peters, as his lips almost make contacts with Peter lips. Jacob then says, "I was wondering if you would like to be my boyfr-" Before Jacob could finish his sentence though, he gets hit by a shield, a hammer, a book, a sketch book, a lasted, a knife, another knife, a brick, and some kind of scroll.

This of course makes Peter surprised, as Jacob just got hit with a bunch of objects, making him fall over. Peter was also still blushing, but not from the kiss that almost happened, but from the question about dating someone as Peter has thought about about Danny.

Speaking of Danny, he was still dying inside. But at least that kiss between Peter and Jacob didn't happen....he was lucky to have that scroll on hand.

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