Ep 10: Ep 10: Freaky....Friday

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Summary: When trying to stop Mesmero, Peter has a run in with Wolverine. The two don't seem to get along very well. But what happens when a little switch-a-woo causes them to have to work together.....also we're gonna need name tags.....like a lot of name tags


-Peters POV-

Ya know, being a superhero you might expect to not be surprised anymore after everything thats been happening to you for the last 2 months. But nope, you can still be surprised even by the slightest of things. For example, being attacked by civilians....I should probably explain.

You see, it all started when the newest Villain of the week showed up. He's known as Mesmero...actually his villain name isn't half bad. Anyway, Mesmero has the power to mind control any within the area. Which means that he can rob a bank, without robbing the Bank.

Instead he uses his mind control to make the citizens rob the bank for him. I happen to be passing by when I saw a lot of people robbing the bank, and seeing this new villain doing the usual evil villain laugh. I went to go stop him as it was kinda obvious that he was the one behind everyone robbing the banks. But the next thing you know, he orders every he has under his control to attack me, which isn't good since I can't attack the civilians as they were all most likely innocent.

So here I am now, trying to avoid everyone attacking me, and trying to avoid attacking them. It's much harder then it sounds.

"Karen! Contact the Team! Tell them to get here quick!" I said to Karen, as I really need the back up.

"On it!" Karen said, as she starts contacting the team.

I feel my spidey sense tingle, I then quickly dodge another attack that came from behind me. Thank god for Spidey Sense. Not only that, but I finally have a chance to swing my way over to Mesmero.

I shot a web to a nearby pole and start to swing towards Mesmero. Now all I have to do is tackle him down. Hay, maybe defeating Mesmero won't be so hard after all- Oh God!! Someone just attacked me! I also fell to the ground! It hurts! Also Dangit! Mesmero just escape!

"Dude, what the frick frack patty wack!" I said to who ever just attacked me.

"I should be the one asking questions here" Someone with a dark, grim, kinda raspy, voice said.

I look over and see- oh god it Wolverine. "Holy Coconuts! Your Wolverine!" I said, excited but also kinda scared.

Wolverine quickly attacks me with his sharp claws again, but this time I dodged. "Who are you?! And why did you control these People?!" Wolverine says, as he trys to attack me again.

"What are you talking about?" I asked while confused, and dodging Wolverines attacks.

"Don't play dumb with me! I know your the one who's doing this mine control." Wolverine answered, sounding angry...ohhhh, he must be talking about Mesmero mind control. He must have thought it was me.

"You got it all wrong. I'm not the one who did this" I said, trying to clear things up.

Wolverine glares at me. "I don't believe you! Prove to me why you aren't the one doing this." He says, as he continues to glare.

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