Ep 7: Exclusive....Mj, why are you doing this?

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Summary: Tired of the Daily Bugle bashing Spider-Man all the time, Mj decides to make a documentary about Spider-Man. And by Documentary I mean just Mj asking Peter for an interview as Spider-Man and pretending she doesn't know anything as to not get suspicious. But what happens when The Hulk comes by?...I don't know! But let's find out!


-Peters POV-

The Gang and I were all just hanging out in a empty classroom. We were waiting for Mj as she said she wanted to talk to us about something urgent. Wonder if everything is alright. All I know is that she mentioned something about the daily bugle.

When she mentioned the Daily Bugle, that made me confused. She hated the Daily Bugle, the reason being that they always make news articles about how Spider-Man, aka Me, is a bad guy. She's not the only one who hates them though. When Mr Stark found out about the Daily Bugle, he wanted to sue them...I stoped him though. But ya know, I never understood why though, I don't think I did anything that made them hate me. Or maybe I did...I should apologize to them sometime.

Just then Mj slammed open the door, having a grin that I know all to will...she has a plan.

"So your probably wondering why your all here" Mj said, as she closed the door.

"No, not really" Harry said.

"I was doing my homework" Ava said, continuing to do her homework.

"I am" Ned said.

"Will, for those who 'Are' wondering why your here, it's because I'm here to tell you that I found a way to possibly make the Daily Bugle back off Spider-Man" Mj said, sounding a bit dramatic.

We all stare at her confused. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. How is she gonna make the daily bugle not hate me?

"Will, since the Daily Bugle literally don't know a god damn thing about Spider-Man, I decided that the best way to boost Spider-Mans reputation was to interview him, and record the interview and post it on YouTube." Mj said, taking out a camera.

I stare at her even more confused...she already knows about my Life as Spider-Man, why dose she need to interview me.

"How are you gonna ask Spider-Man though?" Harry asks.

"Let's just say...I have my ways" Mj says, looking at me mischievously.....welp....looks like I have to go to interview.

-Later after school-

Me and Mj are on a building roof top. Mj was getting her camera ready for the interview. I was already in my Spider-Man suit, so I just sat there and waited for Mj to be done setting up the camera.

"Mj, is this review really necessary? You already know what I do as Spider-Man." I said, still confused.

"Because it would be suspicious if I posted a video about Spider-Man and all the stuff he dose. So that's why we're doing a interview" Mj said.

"So...this is basically a fake interview" I said, thinking about what Mj said.

"Yep." Mj said. "Now, let's get the interview started" Mj said, holding her camera, and pointing it at me, and pressing the record button.

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