I Can Explain

564 11 14

Requested by gleek_lol

Side note: Ur profile pic is amazing!!

"Blaine, chill." Kurt said, steadying him.

"But we... we were gonna..." He paused trying to catch his breath. "We we're gonna play spin the bottle. And I was gonna be a lesbian!"

"Blaine, your gay. Lesbians are girls that like girls, remember?"

"Yeah... So I'm lesbian."

Kurt rolled his eyes. He wasn't about to explain it again, so he helped Blaine into his house. He was shocked to see Burt standing there. The first thing his father did was start asking questions.

Blaine nearly fell over halfway to their couch. Burt gave a skeptical look to Kurt who looked away quickly.

"Um... Blaine, I'll be right back, okay?"

Blaine pouted but eventually nodded when Kurt told him he would only be a few minutes.

"Hey, so you're K-Kurties dad, right?" Blaine slurred, half talking to Burt, half talking to the wall.


"I'm Kurt's girlfriend. We're lesbian!"

Burt gave a look of shock, studying Blaine's expression. It was obvious that he was completely out of it.

Kurt came back downstairs to get Blaine. Burt watched them go back up the stairs, shaking his head at what the gelled boy had said.

Once Blaine had finally fallen asleep, Kurt went downstairs again to get more blankets. Burt stopped him in his tracks.

"What does Blaine mean when he says you guys are lesbian?" He questioned, giving Kurt a very confused expression.

Kurt sighed. Of course Blaine said something. Now he'd have to explain that Blaine was drunk.


"Is it like a term you kids use nowadays? 'Cause I thought you were gay... I thought you two were gay..."

"We are... Blaine's drunk, dad."

"He's what?"

"Drunk. He's not making any sense, okay?"

Burt looked shocked and offended.

"Okay, hang on. Why is he drunk? You kids are drinking now?!"

"I didn't have any... If that's what you're worried about..."

"But Blaine did? Do his parents know?"

Kurt didn't have an answer, and the silence dragged on as a result. Eventually, Burt waved it off.

"Never mind... Go to bed. We're talking about this in the morning though."

Kurt was grateful to get away from the awkward situation. With that, he ran up the stairs only to realize he forgot what he originally came back down for.

He decided he wasn't going to get blankets anymore. It wasn't worth another weird questionnaire.

Heck yes I luv you or hell nah wHy dO yOu ExIsT? Idk what these end notes have become 😂😂

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