Tell Them

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Requested by Rubes_0728

Basically, Kurt and Blaine have been married for six years and their daughter gets a boyfriend. She's a little worried to tell her parents at first, but eventually she lets Kurt and an overprotective Blaine know. Even though they're okay with it, Blaine has his suspicions.

How do I tell them? How do I tell them? How do I tell them?

"Tracy!" Taylor called from the other end of the phone.

She turned her eyes back to the phone to find her somewhat annoyed boyfriend. He must've said her name five times too many. She tried to speak, but instead she blurted out the same thing she'd been thinking about for the last hour.

"How do I tell them?!"

"Tell who what?"

"My dads... about you..."

Taylor would be lying if he said he wasn't a little worried. He'd seen her dads. They were pretty chill, but one of them was a little edgy.

"We can tell them together." Taylor said. "It won't be as weird if we're together, right?"

"That's true but... what if they don't like you?"

"Well... I'll just have to respect your fathers' wishes..."

Tracy's heart sank at the thought. Surely they would like him... right? Why wouldn't they? He was sweet, caring, handsome... her mind came up with many words to describe her lover.

She was 16 for crying out loud! She was allowed to date! It was clear to Taylor that she wasn't paying much attention to the call after that.

"I'll see you later, Tracy. Call me about when we should tell them."

Kurt knocked on his daughter's door.

"Bye." Tracy said, followed by a, "Come in, dad!"

He entered, setting a bottle of coke on her table. That was one thing they both had in common, an obsession with coke.

"Who were you talking to?" Kurt asked.

"A-a friend..."

She hated the stutter. When Kurt's eyes started asking her why she had, she smiled to prove herself. Things were fine. Nothing to worry about.

"Well, your father and I are going out to dinner. Keep your phone on you."

She nodded, and pulled out a book. She wasn't actually reading it, she just needed a distraction. She couldn't look him in the eye. She was terrible at keeping secrets.

When Blaine called Kurt's name, the taller boy visibly blushed. The gelled boy still had that affect on him. He waved to Tracy before leaving. Meanwhile, Taylor was busy forming a plan. He called his girlfriend as soon as he was done.

"I'll come to your house tomorrow, and we can tell your dads about me. I'll be super smooth and they'll see I mean no harm toward you."

She thought for a minute before nodding.


The next morning, Tracy knew exactly what she was going to do. She went to school, suddenly excited for her parents to meet her boyfriend. Taylor, on the other hand, was a nervous mess.

It seemed he hadn't entirely thought this through. I mean really, what if they didn't like him? What would he do?! He couldn't leave her! But he'd have to... why would they do something like that?!

Calm down, Taylor he thought. They haven't done anything yet

They met up after school as promised and walked to Tracy's house together.

"What's wrong?" Tracy asked.


Of course she saw right through his act. Taylor knew he couldn't lie to her anyway.

"Just for the record... if they don't like me... what do I do...? I'd have to leave you and be sad for the rest of my life! Why would they do something like that?!"

"First, they will love you. Second, they haven't done anything yet. I'm sure we'll be able to laugh this off in the future."

She seemed so confident. He couldn't for the life of him understand why. When they made it to her house, Kurt and Blaine were sitting at the kitchen table.

Tracy had sent a text saying that she wanted to talk. Blaine's first instinct when he saw the boy was to block off the bedroom. Kurt, however, smiled a little. She was getting older, wasn't she?

"Dads, this is Taylor... my boyfriend."

Besides sweating bullets, Taylor was doing just fine.

"I'm Mr. Hummel." Kurt said, holding out his hand for Taylor to take.

That was the first sign that things might be okay. Blaine stood next, watching him closely, and shook his hand as well. As soon as that was over, Tracy lit up, ready to explain everything from how they met to that moment.

Kurt smiled knowing full well she planned out most of their dates, something Kurt also had done when he wasn't busy watching Blaine blow his mind. Things went well as far as these types of conversations go.

When they saw Blaine smile, it was the cherry on top. Clearly, the didn't hate him at all! He honestly didn't know what he would've done if they had. Luckily, he didn't have to worry about that.

K well I guess that's the end of this one. Was it okay?

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