Secrets Out

790 13 3

Requested by BabyOreo0524

Basically, Blaine's sister and himself are gay but they haven't told each other. They go to a pride festival and out themselves at the same time when one sees the other. This is an au where they're like twenty cuz if they were in high school and Blaine still lived with his sister, there's almost no way he would've been able to keep it from her for long than a day. Also, Kurt's coming out story is a little different.

"Blaine, come on! We're gonna be late!" Kurt smiled, grabbing his keys.

Blaine was finishing up his hair just before leaving. It was a long process, okay?

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

When they made it to the car, rainbow flags, face paint and all, Blaine had a sickening feeling. It wasn't that he didn't want to go. He was out, and to a lot of people, way too proud.

But there was one slight problem with the way he was. His sister. Sure he knew she wasn't homophobic... but that doesn't really mean she's going to like him for all that he is.

A lot of people think that once you come out, you're a totally different person. A persons pronouns can change, but that doesn't mean their personality does. Kurt seemed to notice Blaine's change in emotion.

"You alright, babe?" He asked, his voice laced with worry.

"I've told everyone but my sister..." Blaine sighed. "I'm going to have to tell Sophia someday."

Kurt knew all too well how Blaine felt. Coming out to Finn was terrifying especially when he called Kurt a fag just a week before. Of course, after Burt had gotten to him, Finn actually began to understand.

When Finn told Kurt he still was a brother to him, he was relieved. He was relieved Finn accepted him for who he was. He didn't know how things were going to go for Blaine when he came out, but he could only pray it would go well.

They arrived to all the signs and colors. The first thought that came to Blaine's mind: beautiful. It was nice to see so many people agreeing on this topic. He only wished he could get McKinkley to feel this way.

They found Brittany and Santana cheering and joined. Santana had been hesitant earlier but she'd finally told her Abuela. She'd been worried her Abuela would see her on tv. Blaine wasn't sure how it went, but she was here and that was what mattered.

Things went exactly how he'd expected for a while, until he spotted a ponytail he recognized. He brushed it off for moment, turning and smiling at Kurt who looked happier than he'd ever been.

When he looked back, he saw a girl with a shocked expression staring right back at him. His eyes were wide when he realized it was his sister. He was frozen, unable to move. It took two seconds for Kurt to notice.

"Blaine? What's wrong?" He called over the music.

Blaine's sister kept looking from him to the floor. Then another girl came up from behind, and pulled her into a kiss, further shocking Blaine. When she let up, Sophia had a shy smile playing on her face.

Blaine later copied it. By then, Kurt had realized what happened. He wasn't sure what to think, but from the looks of things, they were okay.

Later, when the music had died down, Sophia came up to him with the same girl who kissed her. They were holding hands, signaling the fact that they were a couple. Blaine looked down at his own hand, which was incased in Kurt's.

"I-I'm gonna talk to my sister..." Blaine whispered to Kurt.

She was clearly having the same conversation with her girlfriend. When they were alone, she spoke up.

"So... you have a boyfriend...?" She said, while they walked around the festival.

"Yeah... A-and you have a girlfriend?" He said.

She smiled at him, "I'm just gonna say what we're both thinking... I'm a lesbian... I'm guessing you're gay?"

"Yes... But I had no idea you... I mean this is crazy."

"Yeah." She agreed. "It's amazing, though."

They talked for a while, eventually making it back around to their lovers. Kurt saw Blaine's smile and lit up.

"You guys have a good time!" Sophia called when her girlfriend started pulling her into the crowd.

Blaine and Kurt waved in response.

"I can't believe that just happened..." Blaine smiled. "She's lesbian! And I'm gay! And we never said anything for... like six years!"

"I'm proud of you, Blainey." Kurt pulled him into a hug before Santana called them over.

Yay or nay?

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