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So pretend that Kurt is Santana in this situation. Just for like two seconds. Backstory: Kurt is kind of a badass because he doesn't want anyone to think he's gay. Kurt and Blaine have been secretly dating.

"Why don't you just come out, Kurt?" Finn asks.

Kurt stops cold in his tracks. Blaine watches him with wide eyes. Everyone watches as the next words come out shakily.

"I... You-!"

"Come on, Kurt." Blaine soothes grabbing his hand.

"That your boyfriend, Kurt?" Karovsky asks with a smile.

"Sh-shut up!" Kurt stutters. "It's not like that! I'm not gay!"

Blaine shakes his head knowing it was pointless to lie now. Finn started to regret his words when Kurt whimpered. After all, he was Finn's brother.

"Come on, Kurt!" Blaine tries again.

"No! Get the fuck off me!" Kurt shoves Blaine back.

Santana pushes past the crowd. She was the bitch at this school so any fight she almost had to see. Once she saw the situation, she instantly understood.

No one moved for a second until Azimio smirked. As soon as Kurt saw this, he snapped. He lunged at him before Blaine pulled him back.

"Stop! Kurt, stop! Calm down!" he pleaded.

"You find pleasure picking on me huh?! Say it to my fucking face, Azimio!" Kurt screams.

Santana acted quickly seeing Figgins walking down the Hall. "All right, run along! Nothing to see here!"

Students cleared the Hall until it was just Santana, Finn, Kurt and Blaine. Santana awkwardly walked away. Blaine eventually let go of Kurt only to watch him shove Finn.

Blaine quickly grabbed Kurt's hand and rubbed his thumb over his knuckles.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Kurt screamed.

"I didn't mean for it to go that far, I swear! What about you anyway?! You're the one being a dick."

"There is a line, Finn! What you did was totally wrong!!"

"But it's true isn't it?"

He almost lost it again before Blaine stepped in. "Chill, Kurt."

Kurt threw his hands down angrily. "Yeah, well fuck you, Finn!"

With that he started down the Hall. Blaine gave a glance to Finn before catching up to his boyfriend. They made it to Kurt's car and got in.

Kurt leaned his head against the wheel and sighed loudly.

Stop crying, stop crying, stop crying!

"Kurt?" Blaine asked when he noticed they hadn't moved. "Baby, are you okay?"

Still no response. Blaine put his hand on Kurt's back only to find it slightly trembling.


"Do you ever wish you weren't gay?" Kurt sighs. "I fucking hate it..."

"I know. All things happen for a reason you know."

"What could possibly be the reason for Finn exposing me in front of everyone?!" Kurt says allowing tears to well in his eyes.


He looks up at Blaine, letting him see them. Blaine reaches over to hug him.

"Maybe he was trying to set you free." Blaine whispers.

"What do you mean?" Kurt asks pulling away.

"You were always afraid when you were in the closet. It caused you to act out in ways that most people didn't like. The only reason I knew you weren't really as bad as you seemed was because I knew you when we were younger."

"But in front of everyone?!" Kurt cries.

"Sometimes it's the only way. I feel like he knew you'd never come out on your own. I almost did the same thing, but I really didn't want you to hate me..."

"I don't want to be a monster, Blaine. I don't want people to be afraid of me! I don't want you to think I'm going to hate you. I wish I could hate you, but it's who I am..."

Blaine laughed nervously. "I'm going to take that as a compliment."

"Sorry, being nice is a work in progress..." Kurt smiles. "Are you afraid of me, Blaine?"

"No of course not!" Blaine said. "You are a huge softy!"

Kurt threw his head back and laughed. "Well, what now. No offense, but I don't want to be you. I don't want to get bullied..."

"Well we can't really change that... But at least we'll get bullied together?"

"Yeah, I guess that's not so bad."

Blaine gave Kurt a quick kiss, causing him to blush involuntarily. Soon, they were on the road to an amazing cuddle session.

Okay this was cute to me. Just saying...

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