I'm Not Fat

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Requested by earthtokurtandblaine

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Requested by earthtokurtandblaine

Note: recently I was asked why I follow a person when they request something. It makes it easier to find your name when I tag you in books. 9/10 I'll stay following you, though so I guess that's a free follow. 🤷‍♀️

Also I know I have one request that was technically requested before this but I've already done like 3 of theirs so I figured I'd let this person go first... I hope that's alright 😅

One more thing, a little bit of this request was fuzzy (meaning some things like not eating or drinking anything for a week are physically impossible... without dying anyway) so I sort of made it make more sense. I hope this is what you were going for.

Kurt was chatting with Rachel when Mr. 👞 calls them. Rachel ran along faster than Kurt. She had been waiting to show their teacher a new song she was a little too proud of.

Kurt chuckled lightly before following her. Halfway to the choir room, someone shoved him straight to the floor. He stayed in his typical bullying position, blocking his face with his arms. What he heard next caused him to gasp.

"Get out of here, fatty!"

The way he said it made Kurt flinch. What does he mean get out?! Since when was he.... Was he... fat? He didn't want to go to Glee club anymore. He didn't want anyone to see him.

He didn't want them to know he was fat, too. Instead, he ran to the bathrooms before anyone could see him cry. There, he was staring at himself, suddenly feeling heavier.

Maybe he was fat. Maybe he needed to stop eating so much. That was just it, though. He didn't eat much to begin with. Kurt didn't care. He was definitely fat.

Things only got worse from there. He stopped eating. He would pretend to simply because he knew Blaine would notice if he didn't. He grew thinner and thinner until he wasn't looking like himself at all.

Blaine would hug him, and feel the emptiness. Kurt wouldn't dare say anything. He was sure Blaine still couldn't have noticed. Days went by where he would eat only a few crackers or something. Other days where he'd eat literally nothing.

He walked into Glee club one day shortly after a week, and found the room slightly wobbling. Moments later he'd passed out and the last thing he heard was Blaine screaming his name.


Blaine was shaking him like crazy, trying to get him to wake up. He wouldn't budge. Mr. 👞 had already called the police and told them to bring an ambulance.

The glee club couldn't have been more terrified. Kurt looked lifeless. Rachel and Finn ended up going with Blaine and Kurt to the hospital for support.

Meanwhile, Kurt's mind was playing tricks on him. He couldn't see anything but Karovsky laughing at him and calling him fat over and over again. He didn't understand it. He knew he was a twig at that point.

That didn't stop him from screaming at the imaginary Karovsky to stop. It was more like sobbing, actually. He was so weak, it actually hurt to cry.

Then he was awake, the bright lights almost blinding him. The first thing he saw clearly was Blaine. After that, the emotions surfaced again and he could feel wet streaks on his cheeks.

Blaine immediately hugged him, telling him things were fine even though it felt like they weren't. He noticed he was in a hospital room, and that scared him for a minute.

"They said it looked like you hadn't rated i-in days..." Blaine whispered, looking away from him. "That you were starving yourself..."

"Because I'm fat!" Kurt blurted out, beginning to cry harder.

"What?! Y-You aren't, though! You were in amazing shape before and now your so skinny! I-I just don't understand why you stopped eating..."

Kurt thought back. He'd be lying if he said he knew why he started. When the realization hit him, it nearly broke him in two.

It was Karovsky Kurt thought. He... he called me f...

He couldn't even say it in his head. Blaine seemed to notice his discomfort, and asked if he was okay.

"Yeah... It was Karovsky." He concluded. "He insulted me like normal and I guess I took it harder than I should've..."

"Babe, you did nothing wrong. He shouldn't bully you like that. It's very wrong." Blaine soothed.

Then he had crackers in his hands and Kurt knew exactly what would be asked of him.

"I-I can't..." He squeezed his eyes shut. "Please don't make me."

"Kurt, you already got sick from avoiding this very action. Cmon, I'll do it with you."

Kurt hesitated for the longest time but Blaine was patient with him. Blaine took a regular bite while Kurt was nibbling slowly. It took him a few minutes to actually finish the cracker but once he did he could visibly see Blaine's happiness.

"I'm proud of you, Kurtie."

Kurt just blushed, grateful that he had someone like Blaine to be his boyfriend.

Yay or nay? Or for you dramatic peeps like myself, HELLS YES MAKE MORE YOU AMAZING CHILD or FUCK NO GET OF MY ScReEn!!!!! 😂😂😂😂

Can you tell how bored I am?

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