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This is the second one up there. Side note: I know Blaine raises his hand but he wouldn't actually hurt Kurt, right? Just like.... Ima pretend it was his fathers instinct or something because I cant physically write an active abusive relationship... sorry and I don't know who requested this. So... if anyone does know, lemme know.

i feel a little dead inside. These are my rebound chapters. I promise they'll get better.

"Kurt, I've told you a hundred times if you're texting flirty like this, then it is CHEATING!" Blaine fumed, storming over to the bookshelf in he and Kurt's house.

"I didn't cheat, Blaine! Chandler is just a guy at a music store! You can't think every guy I know is my new boyfriend!"

"That's not fair! He was talking to you like a damn sweetheart!"

Kurt marched right over to him.

"So this is bad, but what you did in Lima is excusable?"


Kurt rolled his eyes. "Don't act like you don't know. Hookup ringing any bells? An AWFUL rendition of Teenage Dream, might I add."

Blaine just about choked with anger. With that, he threw his hand up in defeat. However, as soon as Kurt saw this, he recoiled.

"Kurt?" Blaine's face still showed anger, but his voice was that of concern.

He'd never seen his lover flinch quite so violently. Then he took a look at his hand and gasped. His anger seemed to disappear seconds after watching Kurt shrink.

"Hey... I wasn't going to-"

"Get away from me." Kurt breathed, breath going shallow. "I can't believe you'd- you'd..."

He couldn't finish the sentence. Instead, he turned away from Blaine, who nearly broke down at the thought. Kurt didn't think Blaine would hit him, did he? He'd never hurt Kurt! Never!

"Kurt, come on. I wasn't going to... I'd never do that to you."

Kurt wasn't speaking anymore. Blaine could see his hands shaking.

"Babe, I'm... I'm sorry."

The gelled boy cautiously put a hand on his boyfriends shoulder. Kurt was still shaking. Then, he was crying. Blaine immediately enveloped him into a hug.

"Kurt, I'm so sorry." He repeated. "I didn't mean to scare you. I swear I'd never hurt you! You gotta know that."

The taller boy pulled out of the hug a little to look into his boyfriends hazel eyes. After a moment, he mentally nodded. Blaine wouldn't do that. Not in this lifetime,

"It's okay."

"No, it's not okay that I scared you. But I'm going to make up for it, I promise."

He was going to find Kurt's favorite movies and a blanket, but he stopped cold. He had to make sure he hadn't completely ruined things. Kurt might be sensitive, but this was totally different.

"I love you, Kurt."

A small minute of silence.

"I love you too, Blaine."

There it was. Blaine sighed, smiling a little. Their previous argument had been completely forgotten.

Klaine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now