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I actually came up with this one. I love drunk characters cuz they're so cuuuuuute. Idk if it's jus me. I'm officially out of requests tho so if you wanna drop one that'd be nice chief (preferably on the requests page)

"Blaine?" Kurt whispered. "Blaine, are you alright?"

It took the gelled boy a moment to come back to reality. He couldn't really see straight, but he knew Kurt was someone near him. Someone's hands were holding him up right.

"Y-yeah..." The music around them was suddenly a lot louder than before. "It's loud as fuck in here."

Kurt chuckled at that.

"You ready to leave, then?"

"Not if you wanna stay..." Blaine tried to say, but it sounded more like "nofwannatay."

"Yeah, you're ready to go home." Kurt said, watching Blaine nearly trip over his own feet.

He hadn't seen how much Blaine drank, but he could tell it had been a lot because he was slurring out incoherent sentences and could barely stand up right.

Kurt led Blaine to his car, and Blaine leaned his head against the cool window. It was obvious that he enjoyed the cold surface when he sighed in relief.

"Stay here, okay, Blaine? I'm just going to say goodbye to Rachel."

Blaine nodded. "Mhmm..."

Kurt was only gone for a few minutes, but that was all it took for Blaine to get sick. Luckily, he was able to get outside in time. He was still hunched over when his boyfriend came back.

"Aww, babe." Kurt sighed.

Blaine barely acknowledged Kurt helping him back into his car. He basically watched the street lights shine through the windows the whole ride home, and he was mesmerized.

When they got there, Blaine was mostly asleep so Kurt half-walked half-carried him inside. He tried to carry Blaine to their bedroom, but Blaine wanted to stay on the couch.

Kurt wasn't about to argue with a drunk person so he got Blaine some blankets and a pillow and sat with him. Every so often, Blaine would repeat himself like he'd forgotten he already said it seven times.

"Love you..." over and over again but Kurt didn't mind. It was cute really. He'd also keep checking that Kurt was there even though their hands were intertwined, and Blaine was basically leaning on him.

Even though the not so gelled boy (cuz his gel was all messed up) said he wanted to watch movies, he fell asleep almost instantly. Kurt had been playing with Blaine's curls, which Blaine kept saying felt amazing, and that was probably a contributing factor.


The sunlight woke Blaine up, and he immediately pulled the blankets up over his head. In the process, he yanked them off Kurt which woke him up.


"Oh my god, why are you yelling?" Blaine whisper-shouted. "There no need for that this early."

"I'm not..." Kurt whispered. "I'll get you an Advil, okay?"

Blaine nodded, shielding his eyes away from the light. Kurt came back quicker than Blaine expected with the pill and water. He also had a small pack of Ritz crackers which Blaine literally took one bite of.

"How bad was I...?" He asked after a minute.

Kurt giggled and decided to reenact his favorite parts of the night before, "I love you, Kurtie. Are you still there, Kurt? I love you. Did I mention I love you?"

"Kurt!" Blaine closed his eyes. "Seriously?"

Apparently, his headache was only getting worse.

"My bad, Blainey." Kurt replied, and kissed his forehead.

He was going to get up before Blaine grabbed his hand.

"W-wait, don't leave..." He pleaded, eyes wide.

"You want me to stay with you for a bit?" Kurt asked, and Blaine nodded pulling him back down next to him. "Okay, but only a little while. I have to study, remember? For school."

Blaine groaned at that. He then nuzzled his head into Kurt's neck, enjoying the warmth it provided.

"I love you, Blainey." Kurt whispered.

"M'love you too."

And then was asleep again.

Aaaaah I love drunk Blaine!! So freaking much. Hey, should I do one for Kurt?

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