Cooper Anderson

495 9 6

Requested by klaineydyle

"Y-you're from the commercials!" Kurt stuttered, smiling. "Oh my god I love those commercials!"

Blaine groaned. This was standard. He watched Kurt gush over his brother and rolled his eyes. It was ridiculous. Cooper was all that and a bag of chips.

Everything Kurt was doing was so much like everyone else. Kurt was literally acting like he'd met Barbara Streisand. It was normal, Blaine supposed.

"Blaine, your brother is so hot."

That was not.

"What?" Blaine questioned, slightly offended.

"What?" Kurt asked, oblivious to Blaine's concern.

Blaine rolled his eyes again, leaving Kurt to go to his next class.

Cooper Anderson is hot

Blaine was mocking Kurt I'm his head. He didn't like the words the more he thought about them. Cooper was not hot. And besides, he was Kurt's boyfriend not Cooper!

So what if he'd never been on some inspiring musical commercial? Kurt chose him! Right...? He got scared for a moment then, and felt the panic rise in his chest.

What if Kurt likes Cooper

Then he shook his head. No way. Absolutely not. He told himself he'd stop thinking about it, but when he got home from school he skipped Kurt's house.

He didn't want to wind up talking about Cooper. Just as expected, Kurt texted him wondering where he was.

Kurt: Hey weren't you supposed to come over?

Blaine: not anymore

He cursed himself the second he sent it. It showed the three dots indicating that Kurt was typing, and then they were gone. Kurt had literally left Blaine on read, and his iPhone made that excruciatingly clear.

Then a few seconds later, he was typing again. Blaine was worried for a moment. He didn't want to hurt Kurt. He probably didn't even realize he'd hurt Blaine.

Kurt: Are you okay?

Blaine: Not really

Kurt: Babe, what's wrong?

Blaine closed his eyes. That babe was what really set him off. He loved Kurt, but sometimes the things he said pushed him over his limits.

Blaine: why'd you say Cooper was hot?

Kurt: Can you come over to we can talk about this?

It was full three minutes before Kurt realized Blaine wasn't going to respond. He typed one last message.

Kurt: Please?

Blaine: fine


"I'm sorry, Blaine. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings with the comment." Kurt said, hugging Blaine at the door.

"I don't even know why I was offended..." Blaine admitted. "I mean sure he's hot or whatever but... yknow..."

Kurt pulled back, "Actually, I don't..."

Blaine sighed. He hated this. Things were getting all emotional and there was nothing he could do to stop it. On top of that, he felt like a child. Having childish feelings of, "Oh, everyone likes Cooper more than me."

He felt babyish but his feelings were still real. He still felt like he might burst into tears.

"Blaine...?" Kurt asked after some time, and he looked worried. "Babe, what wrong?"


Kurt didn't believe him for a second. "Blaine, come on. Talk to me."

That was all it took for Blaine's eyes to start watering. "You like him more than me! You like him more and you know it! Just 'cause he's got perfect bone structure and looks like plastic!"


"A-and it's just like everyone else! Whatever, I don't care!"

A silence passed, and Blaine couldn't look Kurt in the eyes.

"Blainey..." The taller boy began. "You can't really believe I like your brother more than I like you..."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because which one am I dating? Which one do I call every night before bed? Which one do I text every single day? Would I tell you I love you every day if I didn't?"

Blaine have a shy smile. "I guess not..."

"I'm so sorry I made you feel this way..."

"It's fine... I was kind of overreacting."

Kurt kissed his lips and sighed.

"I love you." Blaine whispered.

"I love you, too. A lot."

Hey guys so I came back to my phone after working on this for a bit and found this:

Hso it's me Sarah. I w.   I    friend and she left her phone so hi fans of my bestie. Klaine is pretty cool huh

As you can tell, she was rushing when she was typing but I'm gonna publish it anyways bc why not. She's my friend from school and idk why she randomly stole my phone to type that but idc Now y'all know what I deal with 😂😂 She's probably gonna start doing that more often tho.

Klaine OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon