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Requested by gleek_lol

Basically, Blaine gives Kurt a hickey and Kurt gets mad cuz he can't cover it up. Omg I feel like I might laugh more than I write lmaooooo

"Shit..." Kurt whispered, staring in the mirror.

He'd gotten up quite content that morning, kissing Blaine on the cheek and then getting ready for school. What he saw in his reflection made his heart drop.

He had a hickey in plain sight right on his neck. Not only was in embarrassing as fuck, but he knew his father would be asking questions.

"What wrong?" Blaine questioned, slightly surprised at Kurt's language.

"The hickey." Kurt sighed. "Good god, Blaine, I've told you a million times to be careful with the placement!"

"Well, you didn't seem to care last night. Besides, the glee kids won't care. The most well get is Santana saying wanky or something. But that's inevitable."

"And my dad?" Kurt crossed his arms. "What do you think he'll say?"

"What do girls say when they get a hickey? Just copy that..." Blaine thought for a moment. "You burned yourself with a curling iron!"

Kurt rolled his eyes and gestured to his hair.

"Does it look like I'd use a curling iron?!"

Blaine chuckled at that.

"So this is funny?" Kurt said. "Hilarious!"

"Sorry, Kurtie." Blaine apologized. "I really am sorry. But it'll be better if we tell your dad together, right?"

"Or I wear a scarf and pass it off as a fashion statement..."

"Yeah, that works."


The car ride to school was quiet until Kurt spoke up.

"We are so lucky my dad didn't say anything."

"Yeah..." Blaine agreed. "Your dad is pretty chill, though. He wouldn't have stayed mad at you for long. Besides, it's fun, isn't it?"

"What's fun?"

"Sneaking around. I won't do it to you again, but you gotta admit it. You love the rush of adrenaline ."

"Shut up." Kurt sighed, making Blaine laugh for the second time that day.

It was short, I know. I recently got a bunch of requests. I also posted on As If It Was Easy (Editing) so pls check that out

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