Admit It (2)

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"You can't be serious!" Kurt exclaimed, laughing. "Do you even remember Mr. 👞? He fought for a lesson on TWERKING! There's no way he would-"

He saw Blaine, and his breath hitched a little. "I-I gotta go, Rachel..."

He hung up, instantly giving his full attention to the gelled boy. Blaine seemed nervous, like he wasn't entirely sure what he was doing. At the same time, he wasn't going to back down.

"So... I talked to the Warblers about the song... They agreed to let us do it together."

"That's great!" Kurt smiled, putting his phone down. "We should practice."

No we should be dating

"Blaine....?" Now his voice sounded worried.

"I wanted to do the duet with you... for a reason." Blaine ignored his friend's concern. "So we could spend more time together."

Suddenly, Kurt knew where this was going. He wasn't at all prepared. He expected to be dressed better, for one, he needed to be more composed.

This was the story he was going to tell his kids? At his wedding? He found himself looking around the room remembering each tiny detail. He needed to remember this. In total.

And then, in less than a second, Blaine's lips were on his. Everything melted away. He wasn't worried anymore, that was for sure. Then, his hand was on Blaine's cheek and he just couldn't believe it was happening.

It was finally, finally happening. Once it was over, simply because they both needed to breathe, Kurt smiled widely.

"I-I had no idea..." He started, but Blaine cut him off.

"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that..."


Kurt was dumbfounded. All this time they both felt exactly the same way. And then they could hear cheering from a distance, which Blaine immediately blushed at. It was the Warblers who had apparently heard everything.

"It's official!" Nick smiled. "A new couple was born in this room."

"Oh my good God, Nick." Blaine looked down and then he looked to Kurt.

"Wait... they were watching??"

"No... but we heard Blaine get all nervous and Wes was like, 'He's doing it now guys!'" Jeff explained. "And then it got really quiet and so we all went o see if you guys were okay and you were kissing!! And yeah... then we were watching..."

"Personal space much?" Blaine said jokingly.

He sat back with Kurt, which made the taller boy blush like absolute mad.

Adorable Blaine thought. He's just adorable

Yes? No? Maybe so? I really like Dalton Klaine. Especially when Kurt is like mad crushing on Blaine and Blaine is like completely oblivious 😂😂

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