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the end got cut off so the last sentence is "They hug and then plan what they are gonna wear for their first day of school

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the end got cut off so the last sentence is "They hug and then plan what they are gonna wear for their first day of school."

Requested by Rubes_0728

I love thisssssss. High school Klaine is the bestttt

"Hey, Kurt."

Kurt flinched at his voice, but relaxed when he realized it was Blaine. His voice was a bit low, and he spoke as if he already knew what people were going to say.

"Hey, Blaine!" Kurt responded with a cheerful voice that just about screamed at Blaine.

"School starts soon, so I was thinking-"

"We should totally pick out our outfits together! It would be the greatest thing! For me, I really wanna wear my white jacket with this red scarf I got at the mall with Rachel and-" He cut himself off when he started rambling. "Sorry..."

His shy smile was driving Blaine crazy. Nobody ever would've expected the gelled boy to get all giggly around Kurt because he never showed it. Kurt however, was a nervous mess.

Sometimes he would trip over his words, other times he was worried he'd say the wrong thing. Blaine seemed to notice it all even though he never said anything about it. He thought it was adorable.

He thought Kurt was adorable.

"S-so my house later?"

And then Blaine was worried. His smile faded slightly, and looked down to the floor. Kurt still didn't seem to realize Blaine's worries, so when Blaine said yes, he skipped off happily.

They had been in the hallway, meaning indistinct chatter was heard among them. It was almost as if he couldn't hear other people until Kurt walked away.

He straightened his jacket, and walked back to class. He wouldn't admit to himself that he was nervous. Not now, and seemingly not ever.


Blaine knocked on the Hummel's door, and waited for Kurt to answer. Once he did, they went up to his room. The first thing Kurt did was pick out a scarf.

This proved to be a longer process than Blaine expected when he noticed four drawers worth of the fabric. Blaine kept fiddling with anything he could find.

The end of his jacket, one of Kurt's scarves, his thumbs, anything that would take his mind off how nervous he was. He wanted to say something more than anything.

But he found himself shaking moments later. Just by worrying. Kurt had long since noticed, watching Blaine with huge eyes of concern. Finally, Blaine blurred out a list of questions that had previously been burning a hole in his brain.

"What if they don't like me? What if I don't make the football team? What if they laugh at me? What if-"

Kurt's lips were on his and he was too shocked to say anything more. He couldn't believe it. Kurt was kissing him. But he wasn't going to say he didn't like it. In fact, he was almost saddened when it ended.

"Sorry!" Kurt immediately said afterward. "I... um..."

Kurt was at a loss for words, and Blaine was smiling again. Then he kissed Kurt again, longer this time, making both of them blush in an unspoken pleasure.

Blaine finally pulled away, "I've been wanting to do that for a while..."


"Yeah!" Blaine chuckled. "I guess now I can say you look really cute when you're nervous."

Kurt grinned, "Well, you're cute every second of the day."

Then Kurt was looking at Blaine intently.

"Are you okay?"

"No, I'm good. I'm glad I have you."

"I'm glad I have you, too."

Kurt broke eye contact, and looked back at his outfit.

"We've gotta find out what we're gonna wear at school in two days!"

Blaine just smiled widely, watching his new boyfriend obsess over different choices of clothing.

Holy crappppp I have so many requests wtf you guys all got a million ideas at once?! I mean at least I won't be bored in corona time but my fingers will hurt like a bitch from typing. 😂😂

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