Save me I'm about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)

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I didn't care if we where naked.

I didn't care that He just cheated On some girl. His ex girlfriend. Who if I may add, Cheated on him in the first place

All I knew that he and I where back together again.

I turned to him as he wrapped me in my arms, I couldn't be more happy. Cheyenne would have the father that I knew she needed and I would have the high school Love that was torn away three years ago

My mind was at bliss as I began to fall asleep

*Jimmy's P.O.V*

I watched her sleep as we Laird in the bed. Our bed. the one we shared many times before.

I Knew I should have used something, But I know she would want a child again. and I do too. I'm just hoping it doesn't repeat the Way it did the last time.

She looked to beautiful in her sleep. Her hair was covering her face. I moved some strands as she turned in her sleep.

How could I have lost someone as beautiful as her? I know I don't deserve her, but i can't stay apart from her.

Those three weeks we where apart where the worst time in my life. I hated every second of it.

I should marry her

But I don't know when.

I should ask her to move back in with me. I know she will.

This time we will be a family. I will make it work.

I glanced at my phone. Leana has messaged and called me about ten times. How stupid of me to go back to her.

I should block her number. I hope she doesn't find Cheyenne in that class.

Amy  will kill her as will I

I held her in my arms As she slept. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I never could. Even when we were in high school. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen then. I knew I had to have her.

We wanted to get married once we graduated, But Todd took her away. We lost so much time and It hurt being away from her all those years.

I will never loose her again


Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now