Save me I'm about to fall (Jimmy sullivan) Pinch me I'm dreaming

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**Attention all: This story will be coming to the end soon (about.,,, 5 or so more chapters) Let me know if you all think if should have a sequel. Thanks again <3. Love the support! keep it coming!!! xoxo*


I woke up with Jimmy's arms around me, I couldn't help but smile. I remembered what happened last night and it felt like I was dreaming. I wonder how he felt about it, He looked so peaceful when he slept. I couldn't take my eyes off of him for a second.

I got up and slipped on a sweat pants and a black tank top. I picked Cheyenne up and began to feed her breakfast. 

"Morning" Came Jimmy's voice from the hallway. Me and Cheyenne looked up. I glanced at her for a moment and she had a sparkle in her eyes. Something that I have never seen before, had she always had that look with Jimmy around? I asked myself. Whatever the reason I liked the glimmer in her eyes. 

He came over to me and planted a kiss on my cheek. I felt my face getting hot, I always felt like this whenever he kissed me, Even when we where dating three years ago. I would always have those butterfly's only he could give them to me. 

I looked into Jimmy's eyes, His eyes, too had a glimmer in them, something I have never noticed, I was so happy,. 

"I am the luckiest man alive" He said with a chuckle. I couldn't help but smile. He picked me up bridal style and spun me around, 

"I love you" 

He set me down and I gave him a serious look

"What" I said

He looked at me like he was hurt,  I couldn't wrap my head around the thought that he just said he Loved me, I knew now that none of this was out of a good gesture and that this was real.

"I said I love you" Jimmy repeated

I broke into a huge smile and tears ran down my eyes. I jumped into his arms

"I love you too" I said and smiled

He kissed me and took us back to our room. 


Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now