Save me I'm about to fall (Jimmy sullivan) You can't always get what you want

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I Began to smile as I woke up. I looked around and saw Jimmy's arms wrapped around me. I rolled over to give him a kiss

"Hello sleeping beauty" He slurred. He must have just woken up. He was so cute half asleep. I absolutely adored that

Jimmy pressed his nose into mine. "Butterfly Kiss" he said.. I chuckled at his comment.

"So I guess it's safe to say that we are back together" He asked me.

I nodded and got up. I bent down and made way to the bathroom. I must have been in their for about five minutes, When I finished, I looked at myself in the mirror, The last time I did this I had bruises all over me, It horrified me.

I realized I didn't feel so good.

Jimmy came from the kitchen with some water. I couldn't think to drink anything. I wrapped my arms around him. This moment was perfect. Just the two of us

There was a banging on the door. I wonder who that could be.

Jimmy and I looked at each other, We both knew it was Leana, But neither of us wanted to know what she wanted. I walked into my room and found some pl bottoms and  a black tank top. I walked into Cheyenne's room to find her asleep with her bear

I picked her up and began to rock her, Leana was screaming at Jimmy that he did not show up. I chuckled softly while holding Cheyenne. I wanted to become pregnant again.

I wonder if Jimmy wanted that too. I rubbed the back of my neck and noticed it was burning, I must have a fever. I guess I'll wait until she leaves. I don't want to make matters worse and I don't want to leave Cheyenne alone

It was about an hour since Leana left. Jimmy came in and was sitting down, He seemed tense, I put chy back in her crib and walked over to him. His eyes followed me as I approached him

"why so down. it's just us now" I said.

"I know. It irritating, she never knew when to quit. All she wanted was the best of everything" He said

"That reminds me of someone I said"

Jimmy laughed silently. "I know it does" he said while looking into my eyes. I felt myself blush as I stared up at him. How did I last those weeks away from him?

"I'm sorry" he said. while kissing my neck

'For what" I asked.

He didn't say anything. I knew where this was going, I should tell him I don't feel good, Because I don't, And I think we will need a rest for a while after what happened earlier

He stopped and looked at me "Still feeling sick" He asked

I nodded

Jimmy picked me up bridal style and laid me on the couch, about a minute later he came back with soup.


He smiled and kissed my nose

"Butterfly kiss"

I laughed,  I loved that already and he's only been doing it for one day. Jimmy reacted into his pocket and pulled out a ring. I recognized that ring, It was the birthstone ring Jimmy gave to me when he asked me to move in with him

"Amy" He said looking at me


"I love you Amy Simmons. I love you with all my heart., Take this ring back that I have you so we can be together forever:" He said

Tears came to my eyes. I always wanted to be with him forever

"Of course"

He smiled at me and kissed me on the lips. I now had my change at making things right again. I knew we would be together forever

Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now