Save me I'm about to fall (Jimmy Sullivan) Big news

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After I told Jimmy I was pregnant Things could not be better for us, He began to look for a house for the four of us to live in. I began to look at baby clothes and doctors that I would need to assist me when I was going to have the baby.

After searching for a while, I finally found one, Dr. Lisa Soper. Dr. Soper has been a registered doctor for over 15 years. When I had Cheyenne, there was no doctor, I was on my own.

Jimmy's been really supportive since I told him about the baby. Tonight we will be going to Michelle and Brian's. Like we panned. I was nervous. I wanted to tell them about me having a baby. But i wondered how they would react. I haven't even told my mother yet. And she hasn't had Jimmy over yet. This could not go well.

"Maybe I should Tell my mother first., Before I tell Everyone else" I told Jimmy.

"I'm sure she'll love it and be excited" He said and kissed my cheek.

"I don't know"

"Come on, we gotta leave" He said. The three of us went to the car and dove off. I now was beginning to realize that I was not feeling so good in cars. This could be a lot of trouble for me.

we arrived at Michelle and Brian's not long after.

"Hey!" Michelle greeted us at the door. I think she was able to tell that something was wrong with me, Thank god the morning sickness has gone down.

My nerves where killing me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell them about me being pregnant, I should anyway. I need some support.

After some time and some talking with the girls, I had the strength to tell everyone. Jimmy came over and smiled at me. He gave me a kiss. It made me feel better.

"Hey guys come inside" He yelled out to them.

Everyone came in and was looking at us. I began to feel nervous.

"We have something we would like to tell you all"

"What is it" Ree yelled.

I laughed,

"Amy's Pregnant" Jimmy announced,

Not a moment too soon was everyone coming around to give me hugs.

"Congratulations" Roxii said. I saw Matt give Jimmy a hand shake. The rest of the guys came over and gave me hugs and kisses on the cheek, The support was overwhelming, And i loved it.

i had the best friends in the world.

"Amy, come outside with me" Jimmy said. He grabbed my hand and led me outside, The moon was out and it looked beautiful.

"I love you" He said. And gave me a kiss on the lips.

"I love you too" I said

"I have something I would Like to ask you" He said

I began to smile. If he was going yo ask me what I was thinking then I'd be crazy. I had only been dating him for six months but It's fine. It's not like I haven't dated him before,

"Amy, I want you and Cheyenne to move in with me. So we can be a family when the baby arrives" He said with a smile.

"will you move in with me" He asked


He smiled and gave me a kiss. He slipped something on my finger, It looked like a promise ring

"it's to know i'm always going to be with you" he said

"I love you"

"I love you too" he replied and kissed me.

I couldn't wait for us to be a family.

Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now