Save me I'm about to fall (Jimmy sullivan) I'm not really liking this

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For the past week I've been crying my eyes out. I didn't think I would miss Jimmy so much. But I still wondered how a miscarriage could be my fault? It couldn't. I wondered if he was cheating all along.

Cheyenne was beginning to ask more and more about Jimmy. She saw that I was upset and it seeing that Jimmy isn't around as much anymore.

Cheyenne states pre school tomorrow, It's shocking to know my little girl is growing up so quick. It felt like only yesterday she was a baby.

I wish Jimmy could see how much she's grown. She looks like me, and yet somethings when I least expect it, she reminds me of him. Or she does something that reminds me oh him. She misses Jimmy, But she doesn't  understand it all yet.

My mother and I went to drop Cheyenne off at her first day. I was nervous. I didn't like the idea of leaving her with people she never met before.

"Mommy will he be here to see me" Cheyenne asked, She was talking about Jimmy again. this is the second time this week that's she asked about him. Maybe they got too close. she doesn't understand that this is the way it will be. Jimmy won't be here.

I didn't want to disappoint my daughter, but I didn't know what to say "We'll see sweetie" I said Blinking away tears.

I walked Cheyenne to her class. When we got near it, My moth fell open, Leana was there, I didn't know she was a pre school teacher, That meant that Jimmy would be here to see her. That meant that she would see Cheyenne.

She spotted me as  I walked Cheyenne in "Hey Amy, Surprised to see you here" She said. I hated her. I had this feeling from the second I met her that she persuaded Jimmy to date her.

"Yeah, My daughter is having her first day here" I said. There was no way I was telling her where I was staying, Knowing her she'll ask.

"That's nice" she said. "She looks just like you" She had a smirk on her face and it made me want to slap it off her. I bet she was thinking how lucky she was to have Jimmy. If any of this is about him then I will make sure she does not go near my daughter

"I have to go, I have to be at work soon" I said. I walked up to Cheyenne and gave her a hug and a kiss,. I asked the other teacher to watch out for Cheyenne to make sure she will be ok.

As I was making my way in the building, Jimmy walked in What a small world this is i thought. He looked at me. I could feel myself wanting to cry again. In his eyes I saw that he wanted to tell me something, but was to scared to do so.

"Amy" he whispered. I turned and looked into his blue eyes. I could feel myself begin to cry. He wiped my tears with his thumb and gave me a hug. I had no idea why he was doing this. I wished now that he wasn't with Leana

 "I'm sorry" He whispered into my ear. I felt myself cry harder. He held me close, I wondered if Leanawould come out and see this, It would be amusing to me. I bet he is supposed to meet her.

"Let's go" He said "where" I asked. But he didn't tell me. I knew with him I wouldn't care where I was going. I wanted things to work out.

I wanted Jimmy back.

When we walked outside My mother was gone. I checked my phone and she left a voice mail. I didn't bother to look at it. I knew she knew that Jimmy was with me

We ended up back at Jimmy's apartment, it seemed different this time. Like he was the only one in here

"Does she live with you" I asked.

"No" he answered

"I broke up with her the day you gave me you're ring back" He said. He looked down like he didn't want to talk about it., I took his face in my  hands

He began to speek again" I made a mistake, Amy, A big one, I left the only girl I will ever love. the one who had my child and I was mad because something went wrong, I never saw that we could have fixed it" He said.

My face brightened, This may finally be it. Jimmy pulled me into his lap and pulled me into his chest

"Come back Amy, Please" He said.

"I always will Jimmy" I said

He smiled and Kissed me.

"I love you Amy" He said before carrying me to what is now our room.

We made out in what felt like the most amazing make out session ever. We proceeded to get undressed. Jimmy kept looking at me like he had been waiting forever to have this moment again with me.

He kissed me passionatley before taking off the rest of my clothing.

A few hours later we where breathing heavily beside one another.

I knew we where beck together, I hoped this time for good.

Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now