save me i'm about to fall (jimmy sullivan) it can't be

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mommy? mommy where are you, I'm scared mommy. mommy

the boy was about 5 years old, blond hair, piercing blue eyes.

"mommy, it's me why did you give me away, they hate me and treat me badly"

"oh darling, i couldn't keep you, it was too much, I'll come and find you i promise baby. you're always in my heart"

"but mommy"

I woke up with tears in my eyes. the boy in my dream looked like gage. i had to find gage.

I can't allow him to have the life i had.

my parents neglected me. they didn't care. i was an only child. and i hated it.

i got up andgrabbed a tissue still shaking from my dream i barely made it to the dresser across the room.

Gage's case was a closed adoption. i never knew who the parents where who took them. i never seen pictures of my baby except when he was born. i hid them from Todd, he wanted to burn them. i kept them in my car. he never went in it. he hated my car he always wanted to have the best of the best

I want to go to the adoption center in Los angles. that's where i had Gage. i need to find my baby.

If i can i will get him back. but i need to make sure Todd will not find him. or me

it was 7 am. I got dressed in a purple dress and a black cardigan. i wore black shoes.

I headed to my car, left jimmy a note that said i had some business to do in Los angles. he wouldn't suspect anything.

I found the adoption agency that i took gage to 5 years ago. the place brought back so many unwanted memories.

the women behind the desk greeted me like she didn't give a crap about her job.

"hello, my names Amy, I'm looking for records on an adoption that occurred 5 years ago"

she looked at me like i was wasting her time. it made me very angry.

"what's the name"

"Gage Myers"

she began looking for the record. i waited patiently. this felt like it was taking forever

"was the date of birth September 24th"


she nodded, "ma'am you know this is a closed adoption right? i cannot let you see the recordswith out the permission of the adoptive family. may i ask who you are and what relation you have to this child"

my face fell. i need those records

"I'm Amy Myers, I'm the birth mother of Gage Myers"

she nodded

"that changes things a bit, let me give them a call and see what i can find out, just wait here while i access the information"

I waited for what felt like a hundred years. it was only an hour in reality.

"miss myers i have good news and bad news for you, she announced. the will let you see the reccords but do not want you near the child. has there been anthing wrong that would make them not want you to see the child"

i wanted to cry, "i've done nothing wrong"

she nodded, spoke to them a bit more and hung up

"they will allow you to see the reccords but will not allow you to see the child unless you are married."

"i understand."

she turned the computer around and let me see who took Gage

Nancy and Billy Mason. ages 45 and 43. they live in Huntington beach California. not far form the apartment i share with Jimmy.

she turned the computer around again

"there you go ma'am have a nice day"

she didn't want me there a second longer.

when i turned around Todd stood in front of me. i shook all over

"what are you doing here, trying to get that kid back? you'll never see that child or daylight again"

he shoved me out of the adoption agency and into his BMW. we sped off back to the apartment i once shared with Todd.

this was the end of my life as i knew it

Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now