Save me I'm about to fall (Jimmy sullivan) What if this will never happen....

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A few more weeks went by and so far I hadn't liked being pregnant so much. The morning sickness was really getting to me. The three of us had moved into our new home. The place is like a mansion. It's so big and pretty. I love it here

I woke up one night in the most horrible pain I could ever imagine. I felt like my insides where being ripped out of me. I felt awful. I hope the baby is ok.

Jimmy took me to the hospital while I was still in the worst pain ever. Maybe something Burst, He didn't know either, but i can tell that he seems afraid and worried, not just about me, But about the baby as well.

I sat in the hospital for a while not knowing if  I was ok or no. Dr. Soper finally came in.

"Hello Amy, I see you have been having some trouble and some pain in your stomach. Is that right" She asked

"Yes" I responded, holding my stomach. I didn't think I could stand the pain any longer

Dr. Soper ran some more test to see how I was. I waited here for another hour, hoping my baby was alright.

when  the doctor finally came back in, I was relieved and yet, very afraid.

"Amy, I'm afraid I have some news you may not want to hear" She began. I didn't know how to react. Her face filled with worry and sorrow. But I could not read her thoughts

"Is the baby alright" Jimmy asked

The doctor looked down. My eyes began to tear up and I could feel myself getting angry. Angry that I did something to harm my own child.

"Amy, I'm sorry to tell you this.. But you had a miscarriage" She said.

I wasn't able to begin to understand what she was saying. I knew what the word meant. The baby is no longer living. But how, How could this be that it is no longer alive. what did I do? did I eat the wrong foods? not take vitiamans? Did the morning sickness effect it's growth?

All this ran through my head, I saw Jimmy walk to the other side of the room once the doctor left. His face read a blank expression. One i could not read. He seemed so hurt and deprived. There will be some way That I can have another child... Right? But now would not be the time to do such a thing.

I curled up into a ball and let myself cry myself to sleep. I wanted to wake up and know this is all a dream

Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now