save me i'm about to fall (jimmy sullivan) this isn't an act

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I walked into work a quick as i could.

maybe no one will notice

I went to the chair i worked atand began the day's activities

I'm a hairdresser. I love it. Todd thinks it's stupid and wants me to quit. but i wouldn't quit for anything

"Amy what happened to you face" my boss Steven asked me? he gave me a look of courisioty

" i... i fell"

he gave me a look that told he he did not believe me, i became worried

"are you having any trouble at home? you haven't been here in 3 months. are you sure your alright"

I nodded my head slowly. this couldn't be happening. I thought the make up worked, i thought i fixed my problem by covering it all up

it's falling apart

I walked out of the salon and pulled my phone out. I needed help fast

I decided to call jimmy, he'll help me.

"hello" he sounded groggy like he just woke up, i wasn't sure if i wanted to put him through this but hes the only one i have

"It's Amy, can you pick me up, my car broke down, I'm at 50Th west bake street"

"uh, sure, be there in 10"

he hung up. I have ten minuted to restart my life. I'm desperate to get away from todd. i can't do this anymore, I'll have to explain this all to jimmy, but what if i scare him, will he still want to help me?

i can't put him through this. I'll have to go at it alone

15 minutes later Jimmy was in front of me worried. I wonder if he knew my car didn't break down....

"come on, I'll take you home" Now or never Amy

"no, I'm not going home. I'm not going back to Todd and all his beating and shit i can't take it a second longer and I'm sick of not defending myself"

he looked at me surprised. like he was waiting for this moment for a while but it hasnt happened until now

"good let's go then"

he took me back to his apartment, the same as it was left when i left the other day. he must be bad at cleaning, the little i remember from our past relationship was he sucked at cleaning

"make yourself comfotable' he sat in a chair opposite of me

this was my time to do some're safe now, tell him

"I'm sick of Todd, he hits me and beats the shit out of me, i Had to have my mother thake care of Cheyenne because i didn't want her around Todd and i didn't want him to hurt her because she isn't his, she's a product from a rape that happened the first year me and todd where together, he's been beating me ever since i had her. Ito get away from him so i can give my daughter a better life."

he sat there and listened to every word. without a sound he stood up

"let's get your things. we'll get chyenne and you both can stay here"

this is a good thing, but how can i do it without todd ffinding out

"he goes out tonight, if today it wendsday. he'll go the bar and not be back untill 2 am"

"when does he leave"


"we'll get your things at eight"

I'm free

Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now