Save me i'm about to fall (jimmy sullivan) i'm free

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<P>"be good tonight"</P>

<P><EM>yeah, be good my ass. tonight i can finally get away from you</EM></P>

<P>tonight Todd and i where going out. this was especially rare. since i never go out. Todd goes out. I'm not allowed to go with him.</P>

<P>we walked into a bar the smell of alcohol making my mouth water. it's been so long since i been out</P>

<P>too long</P>

<P>Todd left me in the middle of the place. from wherever he was i could tell me was watching me </P>

<P>I walked over to the bar and sat down</P>

<P><EM>this is your time Amy. Run</EM></P>

<P>i sat waiting for the bartender to come over </P>

<P>"what will be be miss" he asked me</P>

<P>"Jack, dry" "coming up"</P>

<P>i glanced over my shoulder. i wasn't in store for what i saw. <STRONG>Jimmy</STRONG></P>

<P>My ex jimmy Sullivan.</P>

<P>it couldn't be him. it's been so long since i last saw him</P>

<P><EM>maybe if i got drunk he would be my ticket out of here....</EM></P>

<P><STRONG><EM>(a few hours later)</EM></STRONG></P>

<P>I felt so woozy. like i was on a  cloud</P>

<P>I saw Todd coming up to me "there you are you little bitch, i was looking all over for you. i told you to stay at the bar"</P>

<P>He was angry. tonight wouldn't end well. </P>

<P>I must have stumbled off someplace that Todd didn't approve of. which was anywhere not in his sight</P>

<P><STRONG><EM></EM></STRONG> I heard the sound of a beer bottle crack</P>

<P>then everything went black</P>

<P>"whoa man, why'd you do that? she was an innocent girl" a husk almost high pitched voice had said</P>

<P>"she deserved it" that must have been todd</P>

<P>"amy, amy is that you, it's me jimmy. remmeber me"</P>

<P>I smiled. of course i rememeberd</P>

<P>Todd must not have liked that. I winched in pain, he must have kicked me in the ribs. i think he broke one or two.</P>

<P>I stood up and faced todd</P>

<P>he punched me in the face with such force that i was knocked back out. </P>

<P>eveything went black again</P>

<P>the last thing i remember was someone telling me i'd be ok and i'm getting away from todd. i knew it</P>

<P>I was free</P>

Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now