save me i'm about to fall (jimmy sullivan) Hello

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I knew we weren't safe. he found me.

it wont be long until me finds me again and i am taken back to live with him. I'll never get away then

he hasn't found Cheyenne yet so that is a good thing,

I paced around the Room for over an hour thinking of what i should do. i was confused, worried and afraid for my life.

If Todd found me and took me back, he said he would kill me.

I never escaped because of that. i endured so much of his hatred that he took it out on me whenever he could. he made me feel weak. he told me i was a bad mother. I loved my little girl.

He almost hit her once. Christmas time last year. the moment stand out so clear in my memory. Like a bright light

I was helping Cheyenne open her presents, i got her a bunch of clothes and toys. she went to open one, he face lit up like a nighttime sky. she was so happy. she openeda gift that i knew she wanted, a purple teddy bear. she giggled with delight. she went to show Todd, my heart jumped into my throat of what he would do to her. he looked at her, he raised his arm indicating he would slap her away from him. she backed away, i jumpedin frontof her and he slapped me to the ground. that was the end of Christmas gifts

"why does he want you?" Jimmy's voice came into my head.

i was snapped out of my thoughts. i turned to him with a look that read i did not understand him.

"why does he want you" he asked again.

i put my head down. i didn't know what to say, I've never really told the truth of me and Todd. and i didn't know how he would react.

"he um he. i dont know why" i could say it. i was ashamed.

the truth of me and Todd was that him and i had a child together. this was after i had Cheyenne. he hated me for it. he beat me constantly, slapped me when he had a chance. we had a baby boy, i named him Gage Shawn Myers. i gave him my last name, i would never take Todd's. Gage was a beautiful baby boy. he smiled and was so alert.

Todd hated him.

he said it was my fault we had a child. he said i did something to bring another evil child into the world. Gage would be 5 years old now. when he was born he looked like me, blond hair and blue eyes. he was stunning, born with a full head of hair.

I couldn't tell Jimmy about gage, he would throw me and Cheyenne out and then we would have no place to live.

we need this place, we need jimmy

we need help.

Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now