Save me I'm about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)

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For weeks I spent crying my eyes out. Jimmy reminded quite about the whole thing. Me having a miscarriage was taking an effect to our relationship, and I wasn't liking where it was going,

I started into the empty room that would have become the baby's. We where really looking forward to having the baby around.

I had tremendous support from the girls and the guys, But something felt off. Like I wasn't having a hundred percent support from everyone. I couldn't place my finger on it

Jimmy's stayed silent about the baby. He's barely spoken to me or played with cheyenne. I'm beginning to worry about him. I still knew that I would be able to have another child one day. But that would not be the news that Jimmy wanted to hear,

I woke up one morning and found a note on the fridge. Jimmy went to Brian's for a while. We where left here.

I was beginning to think he stopped caring about us. Maybe he did.

I heard him come home later that night.

"Hey" He greeted me. No kiss, no nothing. just a simple hello.


We stood there not doing anything until I got up. I could feel myself beginning to cry. How can we be like this. I never wanted this

"Amy, I've been thinking" Jimmy said.

I turned around and prepared myself for what he had to say

"I think we should go our separate ways" He said

I couldn't process the words. He wants to break up with me? He can't no! this can't be

"I'm sorry" he said and shut the bedroom door behind him.

He seemed not to care about anything. All he wanted was to get rid of me, I began to think that this was all because of the baby. Maybe he never loved me at all.

My heart broke in half that day.

I decided to return to my mom's she would help me. I grabbed Cheyenne and we went off. I stared at the door and it was still shut.

"Bye" I whispered.

The drive to my mom's was painful beyond beliefe. I still couldn't realize that he broke up with me.

All the dreams and hopes I had for us where gone. The big house and family I had where gone. I was on my own again. I didn't want to be alone

My mother was asleep when I got there. I put the baby in the spare crib and went to lie on the coch. This would be a long night

Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now