Save me I'm about to fall (Jimmu sullivan) What If I am..... Can I???

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I know the last one was so short. This one will be longer :)

I ran over what Jimmy had just said that day, I was ecstatic, He loved me, Me, the girl that got beaten to a pulp by her ex boyfriend, the girl that had a child with an abusive person, After all that he still loved me.

 A month or so had gone by and recently I had not been feeling like myself. I began to get worried that I was pregnant, I can't be pregnant. For one thing, I'm not married and two, I have a rambunctious three year old. I don't think I could have a baby through all of this, Besides, what would Jimmy think! would he leave me and Cheyenne if he found out if I am pregnant? I can't let that happen even though I am very capable of taking care of Cheyenne on my own,

I went about my day thinking that I could be Pregnant, If i am I would Know it right? I should after Having Cheyenne and Gage, It would be nice to have a baby again. I remember the day Cheyenne was born, Then Todd was supportive and cared about me, Or maybe he acted like he did, I had to be in labor for almost a day, I remember being in labor over night and It drove me crazy! I had her on Tuesday, August 17th, at 10:13 A..m. she was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen, she was born with not a lot of hair, But enough to know that she had blond hair. Then she had, her blue eyes, They now remind me of Jimmy, Who also has blue eyes. I don't remember how I got the name Cheyenne, But no matter what I knew somewhere in there her name would be Libby, After my mom. She was so supportive for the whole nine months, I couldn't ask for a better mom.

A week went by and I still had the thought in my head that I could be pregnant, The thought scared me that I could be, But i wasn't sure and I'm sure that I don't want to find out just in case something happens between me and Jimmy.

But maybe I should know, It would give me a sign of relief and comfort, To know I could be carrying Jimmy's baby. And Cheyenne would have a baby brother or sister. I was an only child and I did not like my childhood, My parents, Like Todd, where abusive, well, my father was,. I never saw him after I moved to Huntington beach. My parents lived in Los angles, My mom moved out here with me when i was about fifteen.

 Another week dragged on and I was still getting sick I decided to tell Jimmy what's been wrong

"It could be the stomach flu" He said

Clearly he didn't see it my way

"It can't be. Can it" He asked. I knew he was taking about pregnancy. He isn't ready to be a father, I can't put him or anyone through that type of commitment if they aren't ready

"I don't know" I said,

He looked up and smiled at me "whatever it is, I have your back  through it all" He pecked me on the lips.

I knew for myself I had to know If i was pregnant,. Who knows what will happen from there,

It was late at night and I was siting in the rocking chair in Cheyenne's room. She was fast asleep on my lap. I stayed up thinking about me carrying another human life, The thought amazed me, I loved my daughter, And for her to have another sibling.,,,,, That would be what I would want for her, And there are people around me who will help me through it all. I just worry about Jimmy and if he will stay to his word and stay behind me,

I put Cheyenne in her crib, gave her a kiss and headed to the store. I had to know

The drive to the store made me anxious. I remember when I found out i was pregnant for Cheyenne, He slapped me when he found out. I remember that day. And never want to re live it

I went inside and found The baby isle. That reminded me that Cheyenneneeded more bibs, I picked those up. As I made my way to the to get the pregnancy test I could feel myself in knots

"Amy?" Someone called. I turned around to see who called me

Michelle and Brian. what are they doing here so late? I bet they'd want to know what I'm doing here so late. Thank god I have these bibs in hand.

"Hey Michelle, Hey Brian" I said with a smile

"Picking up Bibs for Chy" asked Michelle

"Or Jimmy" Brian added. Michelle hit him in his arm lightly

"No Brian, Cheyenne needs bibs again, somehow they keep disappearing on me" I said.

"Hey, tomorrow night would you Jimmy and chyenne like to come over to our place, Matt and Val will be there, their bringing Jace, Just a small get together" Michelle asked

"We'd love to" I sad.

"Ausome. See you then" She said, The continued off shoping or whatever,

I decided to stall for some time to buy the test. Just in case they're still here. I looked around and found some make up I liked, picked it up and then went back to by the test, I headed to the register and paid for my things. I could feel my stomach in knots.

On the way home I popped some M&Ms in my mouth. When I arrived home I was greated by the darkness. Jimmy was still asleep. I popped in to give him a kiss, He looked so cute asleep. I could stand and watch him sleep forever,

i went to see cheyenne and she too was asleep, curled up to her purple teddy bear. I gave her a kiss and headed to find out what I was waiting for

I did my buisness and found that I had to wait 5 minutes, These will be the longest five minutes of my life I thought

One minute

Two minutes

Three Minutes

Four minutes

Five minutes

Time was up. I stood in the bathroom waiting to turn the stick over, One Line meant I was not pregnant, But two ment I was,

I turned over the stick and it saw........




Save me. Im about to fall (Jimmy sullivan)Where stories live. Discover now