six ↪ that time we drove to bristol

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Getting up the next morning was even worse than I expected. I lazily got ready and pushed myself out of my flat. The good thing was, it was Friday. I could leave work early. I waited for the tram and arrived at Payton's just on time. Kimberly didn't even notice me, or plain ignored me. Either way, I didn't care one bit. I cleaned my desk and dived into work right away. The earlier I started, the earlier I was allowed to leave. As promised, Kirstie texted me as first thing in the morning. "Mornin' girl! How was your lift back home? ;)"

I shook my head with a smile and texted back. "Pretty nice, thanks for ditching me"

I wrapped it all up by two. I stood up and picked up my coat and bag. Kimberly shot me an annoyed look. "Leaving already? Mind helping me? I'm my second chart in"

I glanced over at her. Second chart? It meant she had to stay glued to her desk for at least two more hours. I wasn't having any of that. I faked a frown with a shrug. "Sorry, can't today. I got stuff to be doing and places to be going". A flash of pure shock haunted her face for the next two minutes. I shoved my beanie over my head and greeted her with a fake smile as I made my way to the elevator. Once I was finally out of there, I took in a sharp breath of fresh air and smiled it away.

Birmingham was growing on me rather quickly. It was mad how I'd chosen it out of hundreds of other places, just because. I didn't really have a reason why I felt so drawn to it, but I was so glad. I glanced around and took in as much as I could. Children running and laughing, some feeding pigeons, some just sliding on the grass. Couples hugging and kissing on the benches, old ladies walking their small pretty dogs. I breathed in and out. Maybe that was it, my place in the world. Maybe I was going to start feeling as if I belonged somewhere for once.

"Funny bumping into you here" a soft voice spoke. I shot my glance in that direction and almost fainted when I saw Bradley. He was wearing a cute hat that sadly covered his curls, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

A simper slipped from my lips. "I, well, work around here"

"Oh, you do?" he never broke eye contact. "I had no clue"

A flash of confidence washed over me as I teased him. "Pretty sure I told you last night"

He simply chuckled, his cheeks rosy. "Yeh? No way, I would've remembered"

Turned out, the guys had rehearsals later that day. They would all meet up at their rented cottage in Bristol, have a jamming session, and eventually get pizza. It did sound like fun, but I didn't want to force my presence on them. I didn't want them to feel bad for me and invite me over for that reason only. Bradley and I strolled through Birmingham and only stopped in front of my flat complex. I slid my phone out of my pocket when it buzzed. Kirstie. "Fun night ahead! Get ready!"

Bradley's voice snapped me back to my senses. "So how do you like your pizza?" — I glanced up at him confused. He must've noticed right away because he let out a snort. "It's a simple question, darling"

There it was again, the nickname. I wasn't sure whether it was just a habit for him or... I don't even know. Either way, it made me weak to my knees. "I'm not telling you that, it's embarrassing"

Bradley stopped whatever he was doing on his phone, probably getting pizza orders for the guys. His eyebrow slid up. "Your secret's safe with me"

I sighed heavily and awkwardly looked away. "Plain. I like it plain" — I let a few moments go by before speaking again. "How much is it?"

"Huh, don't you try" he playfully shook his head. "It's on me"

"Eh, no way. I'm not letting you-"

The curly boy playfully shrugged with a grin. "Pretty girls don't get to pay, I don't make the rules"


The car ride was longer than I expected. Bradley and I bobbed our heads to the music as his favourite songs blasted through the speakers. We didn't speak much, we didn't have to. It wasn't an awkward silence, more like us enjoying each other's company. It didn't last long though. Bradley's phone buzzed loudly in the little space in between our seats. I distractedly looked over at his device and sucked in a sharp breath. Caller ID: babe. Brad's cheeks tinted red and his eyes widened when he also read the name. He hurriedly grabbed his phone, pressed end call, and placed it back without saying a word.

"We're halfway there?" my voice came out lower than I intended to.

"Yeh, yes" Bradley cleared his throat, his eyes not meeting mine.

We arrived in Bristol around eight in the afternoon. The neighbourhoods got smaller as we dived into the quieter part of the city. Bradley pulled the car into a driveway and killed the engine. I was the first to get off and sprint in the door's direction. Kirstie and James waited for us outside, which I was thankful for. I felt kind of hurt. But that was me getting my hopes up as usual. I immediately regretted being there, I just wanted to drive back home and bury myself under my blankets while eating lots and lots of chocolate.

"How was the ride? Too long? Not long enough?" Kirstie elbowed me with a wink.

"It was okay"

The blonde girl eyed me carefully and suspiciously. "Are you sure, sweetie?"

I shrugged and hoped she would've just dropped it, which she fortunately did when James walked by. I followed them inside and curiously scanned the country house. The interior was a mix of rustic and modern, a fireplace covered in bricks was in the middle of the large living room. Two sets of sofas were in front of it, facing a big TV.

"Hey" I could recognize his soft voice everywhere. I glanced up at the curly boy and furrowed my eyebrow. "I'm going to pick up pizza, you want to add up?"

", thank you" I nervously bit my bottom lip, trying to find a crappy reason to stay back. "It's quite cold outside, I should probably look for, uh, instructions on how to...light the fireplace?"

Bradley tried hard not to laugh at my choice of words. "It's fine, I'll do it"

I watched him place his phone and wallet on the coffee table before he headed towards the fireplace. He slid the wood holder open and threw some small and big sticks in there. He added something to it and effortlessly lit the fire up. I stared in awe, my heart aching even more at that point. "Um, thank you" I forced a few words out, my voice cracking a little.

Bradley smiled his prettiest smile yet. "No problem, Paigey"

There was a quiet silence, and none of us said another word. Fortunately, Tristan called out. "Let's go, Rockstar!"

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