thirty-eight ↪ that time we held the world in our hands

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"I can't believe you right now"

Bradley stood by the double bed, his arms folded over his chest, his eyes playful as he looked over at Jesse and I swaddled in the blankets. I smiled up at him and shrugged, his dog not wanting to get off me. The boy got on the mattress and towered over us, pressing a sweet kiss on both our heads. In the intimacy of the moment, my mind couldn't help but wander to flashback images of a few hours earlier. Brad's arms held me tight, my back pressed on his bare chest, as we sat in the tub. It felt incredibly intimate, the good kind of intimate.

"Get dressed, we're going out," Bradley said in between soft kisses.

I let out a playful groan, clearly faking not being interested in any kind of activity that didn't consist of us being all snuggled up together in weighted blankets. Jesse suddenly tilted her head up and lazily shuffled away from me. "Where are we going?"

"Can't tell, sorry" He flashed a toothy grin and rolled off the bed.

I followed Brad's instructions on what to wear: comfy and cute. Not sure what he was expecting, but I went for an oversized navy blue knitted sweater, black ripped jeans, and a pair of worn-out black sneakers. The car ride to wherever we were going was mostly Brad's playlist playing in the background and Jesse panting with her mouth open in the backseats. My phone kept buzzing against my hand, James had told our friends that we were somewhere together and that's why we weren't on their adventure week-end. Of course, they all went cray-cray about it. I hit silence mode and closed all my apps, flashing a smile at the sight of the picture on my screen, B and Jesse cuddling on the floor.

"Hello! You must be Paige! It's so nice finally meeting you, Brad doesn't shut up about you ever, it's kinda annoying" A voice suddenly spoke hurriedly when the car stopped and I opened the door to get out.

I awkwardly stumbled over the young woman. "Um, yeah, hello"

"I'm Natalie, Brad's sister" She stuck her hand out. "He probably didn't talk about me because, you know, boys"

B helped Jesse out of the car and scoffed. "Stop harassing my girlfriend, thank you"

"I'll just take Jesse for a walk while you two spend some cute couple time together" Natalie goofily winked. I slightly shook my head with a smile and grabbed Bradley's hand, ready for it to be held. We said goodbye and strolled towards a large lot filled up with loud music, rides, and food stalls. I stopped in my tracks and grinned at the boy, who soon pressed a light yet soft kiss on my lips.

B and I walked past the carousel packed with screaming kids, families, and lovey-dovey couples. I excitedly scanned my surroundings, my fingers interlocked with his, our arms dangling as we strolled by. Luck and skill games were on our left, while food stalls of any kind were on our right. At the end of the wide path were amusement rides such as the Ferris Wheel, bumper cars, Music Express, and the Orbiter.

"Do you like it, sweet face?" Bradley smiled so big.

 I vigorously nodded. "I love it, B! Can we go do something already?"

He laughed. "Lead the way, baby"


Being crushed against Bradley on high-speed rides wasn't too bad, on the contrary. The way his arms held me tight made me feel so safe and sound. I loved it way too much. The two of us met up with Natalie at the pizza and chips food stall and ordered some food and drinks. Despite the messy eating ways of my boyfriend and his doggie and our excessive laughs over lame jokes, the date gave me cosy vibes. Bradley passed the last slice of pizza to Jesse, his eyes shot up curiously in my direction and met my gaze. I stuck my hand out and softly ran my fingers through his curls with a smile.

"You're beautiful" my boy blurted out, my heart skipped a beat.

"So are you, B" I shyly said.

Natalie tried not to squeal, and that's when we remembered we weren't alone. Brad laughed and stood up from the bench, collecting the empty pizza boxes and drink cans in one hand while he stroked Jesse's ears with the other. His sister and I headed to the restroom and, when we finally spotted him and the golden fur in the crowd, walked to them. Brad's face was very serious and focused, his tongue stuck out while shooting at yellow rubber ducks with a water gun. Such a kid — also quite cute.

"Love, look what I got for ya!" curly boy cheered, shoving a giant teddy bear in my arms.

My heart felt warm and fuzzy, I couldn't process the feeling before my lips were pressed on his own. Brad's hand travelled to my face and cupped my cheek, pulling me so close I just about sat on his lap, almost falling off as the bear occupied most of the space. At that point, I was ready to go home. "I love you, bub" Brad whispered in my ear before letting go of his grip.

"Tired?" he sweetly asked when I tried to regain my balance, pulled back by the giant plushy. I nodded, only half lying. "I've got one last stop for you and we can go, yeh?"

I happily held the cotton candy tight in my hands like a child. Bradley surprisingly knew how to push all the right buttons, it was overwhelming in the best way possible. The drive back home was silent but in a good way, we were knocked out and couldn't wait to go down for a nap. That's when it hit me. — I had started calling Brad's flat home, not because of the actual physical place, that's not what felt like home. It was the boy's arms, we could just sleep on a rooftop somewhere for all I cared and I would still consider it home.

Jesse claimed the sofa as soon as we stepped into the flat, soft snores slipping out of her nose once Brad and I were done locking the door and closing all windows. I dropped the big teddy bear on the drawer and got rid of my shoes when I felt a pair of arms holding me from behind. Bradley's hands roamed my body in the dim light of the side table lamp. The boy's lips were soon pressed on the crook of my neck, sweet yet incredibly hot kisses trailed up to my earlobe before he nibbled it, helplessly forcing a soft whimper out of my lips.

"Hello there, darling" his voice was hoarse and low, incredibly low. It was driving me utterly insane.

I spun around, eagerly grabbed the collar of his shirt, and pulled his lips on my own. Bradley whimpered into the kiss, his hands squeezing my sides before he messily picked me up and carried me to the bed, stumbling over his feet, his lips never pulling away from me, our kisses getting sloppy and incredibly heated. The touch of his fingertips tracing every inch of my body was getting to me so fast. A loud buzz of my phone didn't break us apart one bit, the both of us too deep into touching and feeling each other. Whatever matter could wait until morning. Because, at that moment, it was just us. Bradley and Paige.


Hello again, beautiful people!
How are you doing?
So this story is coming to an end, eventually. There are still a couple of more chapters to go though, so don't you worry! ❤️

What do you guys think the text Paige shrugged off was from? 👀 something good? something bad? who knows

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