forty-three ↪ that time we couldn't deal with things

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The amount of times I shifted in my bed that night was upsetting. Bradley's soft snores, on the other hand, echoed in the room. The way my boyfriend not once showed his fears about the whole thing was a little scary. Was he really okay with it? I buffed a sigh and a low groan left my lips when I rolled off yet another time.

"What are you being so loud for?" Bradley let out a sleepy stifled laugh.

I felt a lump forming in my throat as I mouthed a low "sorry"

"Here" my boyfriend wrapped his right arm around my waist and pulled me to his chest. "So I was thinking..."


"I want you to meet my family, you think you would like that?"

I uncomfortably shifted and rolled over to face him with a frown. "Why now?"

Bradley fluttered his eyes open and glanced at me. "What do you mean?"

For some reason, I was feeling a tad insecure. A little sad maybe. Also, sick. I felt sick to my stomach. "Brad" — I sat up and bit my bottom lip a little harder. "You want me to meet your parents because I might know?"

"What?" the boy looked genuinely shocked at my assumption. "Of course not"

My cheeks burnt up at how dumb I was acting. "Right, sorry"

Even though he looked incredibly sleepy, Bradley sat up and snuggled up to me, his arms wrapped up around my body, holding me tight. The way his fingers traced lines up and down my skin was very soothing. The next morning, he was the first one to wake up and make breakfast for the two of us. The way his eyes would light up every time he looked at me was making me all giddy. Before we left the house, Brad towered over me from behind and wrapped me up in his arms, his hands caressing my lower stomach.

"What are you doing, weirdo?" I playfully squeezed Bradley's shoulder.

"You know, I read that if you are pregnant, the baby is the size of a poppy seed now and I think that's absolutely cute. I love our poppy seed"

My heart warmed inside my chest completely. Though it was definitely too early in our relationship, Brad was warming up to the situation quickly and with such a sweet protective attitude. I didn't know how to act instead. We had to meet with our friends that day, both boys and girls were clueless about everything. And, on top of that, we also had a dinner reservation with Bradley's family. I couldn't hide the way my stomach was throbbing at the thought of going back to the doctor and getting the results of the tests.


The doctor was a different one and couldn't be more unhelpful. He blurted out his details on me and left me alone waiting for Bradley in the small room. Nothing. There was nothing. That alone gave me even more stress, thinking about how Bradley would react to all that. The boy had literally just got to terms with the possibility of having a baby, I had dragged him into this big deal, and I now had to pull him back. Just like that.

"Ms Simpson, I'm Doctor Garcia, I will be answering all your questions" The tall Hispanic man caressed his beard as he intensely bored his eyes into my own.

I almost choked on my words. "It's just- the other doctor said it could've been either a cold or- a baby"

"I see" The doctor nodded with a frown. "I understand that you might feel confused right now. I would like to bring your husband in with us and create a healthy communication environment for both of you. Is that okay?"

Bring in my what now? I gaped my mouth and just blankly stared at him. "Bradley?"

"Yes, your husband?" Doctor Garcia closely studied my every move. "Curly guy, worried face, I met him at the reception desk and he told me he was your husband. Isn't that right?"

I didn't even try to process what he had just said. "Yeah, yeah, please bring him in"

Not even a minute later, my favourite head of curls snooped in from the door. Bradley studied me as he stepped closer in confusion. Tears pricked my eyes and I tried to wipe it away with my hoodie's sleeve before he could notice. Brad's warm touch was comforting as always, the way his hand brushed against mine and intertwined our fingers together just made me tear up more. Doctor Garcia looked at me, waiting for me to tell Bradley the news. There was no way. The doctor eventually got the memo and moved his attention to my boyfriend, spilling the thousand scientific facts and such.

"I'm sorry, what?" Bradley's worried expression dropped and made space for confusion and more confusion. "How can there be nothing at all? I don't understand. She's clearly not feeling well, what's that about?"

Doctor Garcia showed off a sympathetic look and left. "I can run a few more tests if you want but know there won't be different results. I'll leave you two to it"

I was scared, terrified of what was going on in Bradley's mind so much I started shaking. I didn't want him to despise me, be mad at me, or...I don't know. I felt him shift from his standing position and unexpectedly climb on the examination chair next to me. He didn't say a thing, just silently wrapped his arms around me and held me against his chest the tighter he had ever done. I didn't dare look up at his face just yet, not yet. I shakily breathed out against his neck.

"Hey hey hey" Bradley carefully moved my head up so I was facing him. His beautiful eyes were as puffy and red as mine were, but the corner of his pretty lips curved up a little. "I love you"

I unsurely nodded, dismissing my gaze as soon as he spoke.

"No, baby" B quickly rolled off the chair and kneeled so I could face him. He grasped my hands and sweetly kissed each and every fingertip. "What about we go get some pancakes, yeh? Just you and me. Better yet, we get them and stay in bed all day watching every Christmas movie ever made. Let's start with Love Actually, yeh?"

I couldn't help but smile. How did I get so lucky?

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