twenty-nine ↪ that time Tristan moved in

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My eyes fluttered open as soon as light entered my window. I blinked, sat up straight, and looked around for any sign of Bradley. The last thing I remembered was the two of us sitting on a pile of pillows on the floor while watching a crappy rom-com on tv. I told him I would've preferred a chill night and maybe talk. Definitely talk. Brad didn't protest but I could still catch a glimpse of sadness in all those little smiles he smiled in the middle of cringing scenes. Then what? I potentially fell asleep halfway through the movie, but when did he leave?

"Is that new? Looks pretty soft" my dad asked from the doorway. I shot my eyes up at him and followed his gaze curiously until it stopped on the fleece blanket on my bed.

I tilted my head to the side and casually nodded. "And that makes it six? seven? blankets you own?" my dad mocked with a laugh. There was something different in his eyes and, right when I was about to speak, he unexpectedly jumped on the mattress, the poor thing bouncing up and down under his weight.

 "Won't you look at that? Big boy acting like a little boy" Nat playfully teased, and I'm not sure if I liked all that teasing between the two of them. My dad faked an annoyed sigh and clumsily got off my bed. "You're such a party-crasher, did anyone tell you that?"

Natasha dramatically rolled her eyes. "Says the man who acted all tough in front of his daughter's boy. Where is he, by the way?"

"Home, where he should be," my dad remarked with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes and went for the drawer, picking a comfy outfit for the day. A full day with my dad and Nat around the city. Being it Sunday, my dad was eager to explore every little place I spent my free time at. Nat and I had agreed that — most likely — that was his way of keeping me away from all the new boys. My dad had never been a strict one, not really, but after Wells, he had been actively trying to tell me off boys. The entire afternoon went by walking into every bookshop along the way. Who was going to tell my dad that the end of the street we'd been walking for hours would lead to the block of houses where Bradley lived? I tried to act cool and natural as we walked past it.

"Do people here always stare like that?" my dad quietly asked, looking ahead.

The blonde girl had her eyes wide open and the biggest grin planted on her lips. I snorted at the scared look haunting my dad's face and waved at my friend. — "That's Luce, Connor's girlfriend"

"So you also have girl friends, phew. I was starting to seriously worry about your well-being" my dad mocked.

"Shut up" I laughed and looked at Luce, who was now happily sprinting in our direction.

A tight warm hug wasn't what I was expecting but I loved every bit of it. The girls and I hadn't seen each other after that night at B's house and, even though we have been texting all day every day, it was nice to finally get together again. "I know you haven't read the chat yet but we're having a girls' night!" Luce excitedly informed.

I grinned at the excitement growing inside of me as well and soon nodded enthusiastically. I couldn't wait! My eyes landed on my dad and, when I spotted yet that same sad look, I knew I had to do something. He would've never wanted me to ditch plans with my friends, but it was clear how he also wanted me near. I glanced back at the girl.

"Why don't you girls come over to mine?"

Luce's grin got even bigger. "Yes! That would be lovely! Let me call Kirstie real quick!"

I saw her walking away, her phone held tight against her ear as she so excitedly explained our new plans to Kirstie. Those little jumps she was unwillingly making made me happy. It felt so good to finally have girl friends.

"You didn't have to do that" my dad frowned.

"I can't promise you can join our activities, you know?" I smiled.


Kirstie and Luce burst into my flat at eight-thirty sharp with their hands full of bags. They had brought loads of ice cream tubes, pizza, DVDs, and a few blankets. Like I didn't literally have thousands — which is exactly what my dad said when he saw them walk in. He looked so pleased with himself when my friends laughed at his lame joke, weirdo

To All the Boys was playing on my TV screen, the third box of pizza was halfway empty, and ice cream was just about to get open and consumed in record time, I just knew it. Kirstie suddenly picked up the remote from the floor and paused the movie. The girls started rambling about the boys and telling cute stories about their first meeting and whatnot. I sat and listened, taking a spoonful of my chocolate ice cream tube, not ready for what was coming next. "So, Paigey, tell us all about Bradley"

I almost choked by pushing the spoon a little too far. I looked up at both of them and blankly stared. What was I supposed to say? "What about him?"

"Did you know that he asked Tris to move in with him?" Kirstie cooed.

Luce and I gaped at her, my blonde friend speaking for the both of us. "He did?"

"Yeah! So apparently he realized that he needed help with going back on track, or something. James says it's very mature of him but I didn't quite get the context so...who knows"

"Oh wait, Connor said something about being emotionally unstable" Luce added.

"Love, no one is emotionally stable" Kirstie continued with a snort.

I blinked confused and stayed out of the conversation for as long as I could. I had no idea Bradley had asked Tristan to move in with him, for.. what was that? helping him? The girls must've noticed my absence in the loud chatting because, when I looked up, their eyes were on me.

"You know, I've known Brad for a while now" Kirstie unsurely started. "He's a good guy, he's just not in a good place right now"

"I think you two should have a serious conversation" Luce added. "You both are coming out of a recent break-up, right? Just talk it out"

I unsurely nodded and took yet another spoonful of ice cream. I've always hated serious talks, it stressed me out. Why would I want to have a serious talk with B though? It's not like the boy was serious with me in the first place, was he? Oh, but I was. I was really starting to like him and what for? Sure, his jokes, his smile, his everything really. But my friends were right, Bradley probably wasn't in a good place emotionally. Who said I was anyway?

"Earth to Paigey" Kirstie and Luce burst out into a shared laugh. "We lost you for a moment there"

Would You ↪ Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now