thirty-six ↪ that time you looked incredibly hot all the time

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"I've only been to Sutton Coldfield like twice"

Bradley let go of my duffle bag and looked up at me. "What, really?"

My dad and Natasha engulfed me in a warm hug and squeezed me tight. Before leaving, they wanted me to know they were trying out, dating, and spending more time together. It made me incredibly happy how my dad was finally moving on and how carefree he was starting to look and act. He unhappily let go of me and shifted closer to Bradley, sizing him up carefully. They exchanged a few words I couldn't hear. On my right, I saw Natasha trying to read on their lips whatever words they were speaking. We shared a look and cracked up laughing. I was definitely going to miss them. "One last advice before I go" the woman's voice lowered. "Don't bang in any of the other boys' beds"

I widened my eyes in shock and my cheeks flushed. "Dude!"

My dad eyed us suspiciously when he made his way back and squeezed me in one last warm hug. Their bags and luggage had been packed up in the trunk with Brad's help. Natasha got on the passenger seat with a smug smirk planted on her lips, her eyes flickering between me and the boy. The engine roared under my dad's control; the driver's window suddenly slid down as he stared at us. "Leaving for the weekend?"

I gaped at him.

"Yes, sir," answered Bradley. "Just a couple of days"

My dad nodded thoughtfully while Natasha not-so-subtly mouthed some dirty thing about banging protectively or something equally embarrassing. B tried not to laugh and keep a straight face as he kept reassuring my dad we were going to be safe. After our last goodbye, the car started and was eventually out of sight. A lump formed in my throat, I had never been good at goodbyes. Brad wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to him, embracing me softly. "Ready for our little adventure?" he enthusiastically cheered.

I smiled at his excitement. "That's not how you called it last night. What was that? Love getaway?"

"Call it as you please, love" his hands cupped my cheeks, his eyes intensely boring into my own. "I just can't wait to have you all by myself"


I shrunk down into my boy's arms and smiled against the fabric of his shirt. It was still unreal to me how I had gotten Bradley's attention in the first place. My mind kept replaying our text exchange from the night before like a broken record. I followed him closely and watched him as he placed our duffle bags in his car's trunk, the muscles of his biceps twitching as he lifted the weight. I found myself shamelessly staring.

"You never cease to flatter me" Brad playfully winked.

He motioned me to get in the car so I snapped myself out of my trance real quick and did what asked. It was only a couple of minutes later that he stirred the steering wheel and pulled into the closest gas station. I wasn't sure why I found him doing such a basic task hot. After that night at the house, everything about him seemed ten thousand times hotter than usual. It was overwhelming and quite annoying. The boy got back in the car but, instead of going forward, the vehicle was being pulled backwards. He stopped in front of an automated tunnel car wash and eyed me with a beaming smile.

"It'll be quick, I promise" he gently assured.

I looked up at the giant brushes, who soon sparkled something in me. My eyes lit up at the memory of how my dad and I used to stay in the car during the entirety of the washing process and just stare at the scrubbers with fresh and curious eyes. The trips to car wash stops were my absolute favourite. Brad flashed me a playful smile at the moment I threw him my most innocent look. "Can we stay in?"

Would You ↪ Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now