sixteen ↪ that time it got messy

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My phone angrily buzzed against the nightstand. I ignored it not once, not twice, but three times. On the fourth time, I just had to check. My heart flipped inside my chest when I sobered up enough to feel a warm arm around my waist. I fluttered my eyes open in shock and froze. Bradley was all over me, his chest glued to my back, his arms wrapped around me. His soft snores almost drifted me back to sleep before my phone buzzed one more time.

"Mmh, make it stop" Brad's raspy morning voice muffled against my hair, blowing warm air on my neck.

I carefully untangled myself from his grip and finally grabbed my phone. Five missed calls, that couldn't be good. Ah, shit. I sat up straight real quick when I noticed it was Kendra. I opened our chat and lazily dropped my body back on the bed. "Hello Paige, due to Kimberly not feeling well you're expected to come to work tomorrow"

Kimberly not feeling well, sure.

I felt Bradley's body move as he rolled to my side and looked at me with a sleepy face. "What"

"I got work tomorrow, yay" I sarcastically cheered.

He huffed and shut his eyes closed. "Nah, you don't"

"Yes I do, ugh, I need to pack my stuff" I groaned as I lazily rolled off the bed and picked up my bag, placing it on the mattress.

It took me five minutes straight to remember how Bradley had slept in my bed and how dangerously close he was to me. My whole body tensed up at the realization, snapping me out of my worries about my job. Ah, shit. I was genuinely confused about the whole situation. What was that? What was going on between us?

"Paigey, you're awake?" a soft voice called from the corridor.

I panicked even more. Kirstie gently knocked on the door, waiting for me to let her in. I shot my eyes on Brad, who had just drifted back to sleep. Pff, such a sleeper for someone who doesn't get much sleep.

"Uh, yeah. But I, um, just woke up" I awkwardly lied.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, I just need some clothes. Can you please grab some for me? My white top and light jeans, right on the left drawer"

I frantically looked for Kirstie's pieces of clothes and sprinted to the door, stumbling on my own feet on my way. I opened it enough for me to hand her clothes to her but not enough for her to peek inside. "Here"

"Thank you, hon" Kirstie smiled before said smile turned into an odd smirk. "You happen to know where Brad is?"

"No?" I answered way too quickly. Busted.

She thoughtfully nodded, her smirk never leaving her lips. "Mh-mh, well, if you do see him please tell him it's his turn to make breakfast today"

"Sure, okay" I cleared my throat.

I closed the door and sighed in relief. Bradley was now on his feet, struggling to keep his balance while putting his shoes on. I shot him a quick glance before resuming my packing. I lazily threw my clothes in my bag with a groan and checked if everything was there.

"Are you actually packing?" Brad sounded genuinely surprised like I literally hadn't just told him that I had to.

I didn't even look up while I shoved my headphones and phone charger in my backpack. "I can't lose this job"

"No, I know, but-" I saw him sit back on the bed with the corner of my eye. "I just find it unfair"

I shot my eyes up and looked right at him. "It's your turn to make breakfast, liar"

His face contorted in confusion at the sound of my words. His eyebrows furrowed and he suddenly looked very thoughtful. "Wait, what did I do? Liar?"

"You slept pretty good?" I tried to keep a straight face and not smile, slowly failing.

Brad stood up from the bed and walked in the door's direction with a smile plastered on his face. He opened it and looked right at me. — "Well maybe I just wanted to sleep here, eh?"

Before I could even answer that, he disappeared in the corridor, leaving me there with my thoughts.


Despite everyone offering me a lift back to Birmingham, I managed to catch the bus. The thing I was more annoyed the most about was missing our superhero movie night. I slid my phone and headphones out of my backpack and smiled at James' sweet text. "Are you home yet? Tell us when you get there x"

It was the first time I grew that close to a group of people. There I thought I was the problem, hence the reason I couldn't seem to fit in anywhere. The truth was I just hadn't found my people yet. I smiled at the thought and read through the texts of a group chat I'd been recently added to. Boyz and Girlz. Very original name, guys.

My phone buzzed against my hand as I read, incoming call by Kirstie. I picked it up right away and waited for the tea. "I'm going to throw hands tonight"

I rolled my eyes but smiled at her dramatic entrance. "What now?"

"Taylor is here again. She must be really shitting us" she groaned. There was a loud comment by Luce in the background. "There's no way I'm not killing her tonight!"

I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. I didn't want to think about it. Hell, I was already thinking about it! There was no game with her, it was getting way too frustrating for my liking. Screw it. If she wanted the boy so badly she could have it. It's not like I was forced to see him again.

"Stop whatever you're doing" Kirstie scolded me, knowing well how my mind worked.

"I'm doing nothing" I innocently played.

"Sure sure" she didn't buy it. "Tell me Brad didn't sleep in our bed last night"

I bit the inside of my cheek, both embarrassed and ashamed. Luce squealed in the background. "Brad did what?!"

"What do you want me to say?" I gave up, my cheeks burning up, my eyes glued on the bus' window like it was the most entertaining thing ever.

"Did he?" she continued. "I'm not implying anything, sweetie. We were just concerned because he apparently hasn't slept in his bed with Tris and he got into this fight last night and-"

I unnaturally breathed out. "Yes"

"What was that?" she asked again and I could totally tell she was smiling on the other side of the phone.

"Gotta go, Kirstie, my stop's here"

Would You ↪ Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now