twenty-one ↪ that time you sneaked behind their backs

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"You want to grab dinner?" Brad asked so casually like we hadn't just made out in an elevator.

I blankly looked up at him, still trying to process what exactly had just happened. He kissed me. Bradley kissed me. I distractedly hummed, deep in daydream, before I eventually remembered I couldn't. "No, wait, I can't"

"Oh," Brad frowned. His hand travelled up to his hair as he ran his fingers through his locks of curls.

"I have this FaceTime thing with my dad and- wait" I picked up my phone and checked the actual time I was going to put myself through the struggle of being asked a million questions by my dad and Nat about how good I was doing. — "It's in an hour. Maybe we can get fish and chips or something in Brindley Place before that?"

Bradley's face lit up, he vigorously nodded with a grin and unexpectedly grabbed my hand. I numbly let him carry me to his car and giggled at his excitement. I got on the passenger seat and widely smiled at the thought of Brad and I being just the two of us for a little more time, like we hadn't just spent the entire day together. Time with him was never enough, I found myself craving more and more as days went by.

"I know a place" Brad smiled widely as he pulled into the car park and killed the engine. I let him lead the way and guide me through the pretty Gas Street Basin, walking closely by his side. After walking for less than two minutes, we stopped in front of a tiny cosy restaurant. Brad carried me to the outdoor tables and helped me sit. I couldn't help by blush at his actions, wondering if he considered our night out a date or just hanging out.

"Fish and chips, innit?" he spoke, sitting now in front of me, the menu in his hands.

I awkwardly nodded, my hands sweating at the realization that I was hoping with every fibre of my being that our dinner was an actual date. Not that I would know what that would consist of, anyway. My worries and every oppressing thought faded into thin air when Brad started telling lame jokes. I couldn't help but laugh at him bursting out laughing before he could even finish telling the joke. Everything was smooth. Suddenly, eating and just genuinely being there with him felt right. His laugh made my heart beat faster and, at every attempt of him trying to interlock our hands together over the table, I ran out of breath.

"-so James looked at me dead in the eyes and said what the fock?! and Connor and I burst out laughing to his face, he was so upset!" Brad laughed cheerfully as he told me the story of one of the boys' inside jokes.

My laugh died on my lips when my eyes spotted a familiar brunette boy walking by. What was he even doing in England?! I eyed Brad and tried to let go, moving my attention back to the curly boy in front of me. He was everything my ex wasn't. Caring, funny, compassionate. I found myself comparing the two, only making me long for Bradley more. "You're alright, love?"

My heart skipped a beat at the pet name. I smiled up at Brad with a nod and carried on the conversation.


I hadn't noticed how much time had actually gone by before I heard my phone buzz against the table. Dad calling. Ouch. I could see Brad eyeing my phone with the corner of my eyes so I looked up at him. "Sorry, I was so invested in the story I forgot to check the time" he soon apologized. Ugh, why did he have to be so cute?!

I sincerely smiled up at him. "It's okay, B. To be fair, it all went by super fast, I kinda lost track of time as well"

"I'll go take care of the bill and we can leave, yeh?" Bradley stood up and stepped into the restaurant, making his way to the check-out counter. I collected my personal items and took a few steps towards the entrance door, willing to wait for him outside. I sent a quick text to my dad but, when I looked up from my phone, Wells stood a few inches away from me.

"It's you" he spoke in his annoying croaky voice. "I can't believe it's you"

My throat went dry and my breath refused to come out. I anxiously rubbed my sweaty hands up and down my thighs and hoped Bradley would walk out soon. "What are you doing in this part of the world, eh?" Wells so carelessly continued. "I bet it's scary being all alone in such a big city"

"I'm not alone" I choked out. "I'm here with someone"

Wells let out a humourless chuckle as he scanned my face. "And where is this someone you're here with?"

I had to fight the urge of wanting to punch him in the face. He could play with any little flaw of mine, every fear, he knew everything that would trigger me. He used all of it against me in our past relationship. I blinked, not able to spit back, just wishing he could leave me alone.

"Sorry, love, it took longer than expected" Bradley's voice sounded like a dream come true, the light at the end of the tunnel. I was safe.

Wells knitted his eyebrows together and blankly stared at Brad, who eyed me carefully before challenging my ex with such confidence in his eyes.

"You got a problem with my girl, mate?" Bradley nonchalantly slid his hand into my own and interlocked our fingers together, making my skin tingle.

"Not at all" Wells showed off an odd smile, his ego shuttering in front of my own eyes.

Brad flickered his eyes between me and my ex before he went on and played his part. He wrapped his arm around me and slid it down to my lower back, his eyes lingering on my own. A smirk widened on his lips as he leaned in impossibly close to my ear and whispered — not too subtly. "Let's get you home, darling. I can't hold back anymore"

I was aware of his playing act for Wells, but my whole being shut down at the sound of his words. I felt both hurt at the thought of it being just a play, yet incredibly fluttered by his seductive tone. My unhealthy flow of thoughts was abruptly interrupted by Brad's soft lips on mine. I couldn't care less about Wells, about me being late for that call, about us standing there in the middle of the square. This one kiss felt different, a whole new world of deep feelings, a warm tingle on my skin. After what felt like forever, Bradley chuckled against my lips, pulling back slowly. "He's gone"

Ouch. Was that kiss part of the act as well? No, he had kissed me before. But never like that.

Would You ↪ Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now