forty-eight ↪ thank you!

611 8 9

T H A N K   Y O U !

So this journey has come to an end, unfortunately. This book, the characters, and everything about it really, will forever hold a special place in my heart. Hopefully, you fellow readers enjoyed this roller-coaster ride just as much as I did. James has actually read a few chapters of this book and, mocking aside (lol), he has talked to me about it very seriously and explained to me very valid points, I'm so grateful really.

I just want to say thank you thank you thank you for reading, voting, and commenting on this story. It truly means the world to me. I reckon it sometimes sounds like something everyone says but it really does mean so so much to me. Writing had always been a way for me to escape reality and cope with emotions whenever I could. Simply writing down can help, I promise. Your comments make me happy and some of your remarks crack me up, it's so nice. Without you beautiful people I couldn't have made it here so, again, thank you!

I'm currently working on a project, a book I'm planning to publish as soon as I get everything in order. It's called "Out of My League" and, between you and me, the two main male characters are based on Tom Holland and B. Because, yeah, anyways . . . moving on.

I have loads of ideas for other books about Bradley if that's what you're into. Which you clearly are because, well, you're here. Eheh. So, if you'd like that, just let me know! Also, before I forget and start rambling again, I just want to say that my DMs are always open. Whether you want to talk about the book, your passions, your feelings, or you're simply in need of a new friend, I'm here for you. Said this, I sadly have to let you go. Oh boy, I think I'm gonna cry a little. I love you all so so much. I'm going to say this one last time:

T H A N K   Y O U.

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