thirty ↪ that time you pushed yourself further

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"I like your friends" my dad blurted out before I stepped out of my flat. I spun around and gave him a little smile in return, not one bit ready for going back to work. I pulled up a nice masquerade on how much I loved doing what I was doing at Payton's, hoping my dad wouldn't see how much I actually despised it. I walked past the door and, right when I shut it behind me, I heard him say "I like that boy, too"

To say I thought about those five words the whole day would be an understatement. I couldn't focus on the words displayed on my computer screen, nor on the bad looks Kim kept throwing me from her desk. Childish much? She probably had the duty to watch me closely and tell Taylor each and every step of mine. I rolled my eyes and closed the tabs about my daily work on my PC. At the exact moment I stood up from my chair, Kim's eyes snapped up and followed my every movement. Such a creep. It was the first time in weeks that I was allowed to leave the building during lunch break, Kendra didn't look too happy about it but she eventually let me go.

James and Kirstie wouldn't shut up about this new bakery in town, that happened to be three or four blocks away from my workplace. SweetBits, the bright pink neon light showed a tiny cupcake with face, arms, and legs. It was cute. The doorbell chimed as I stepped in, the warm air blowing from the air conditioner wrapped me up for good. I wished I never had to leave that place. I picked up my phone and set an alarm for the next hour when I was expected back to work. I carefully eyed all the cupcakes, cakes, and doughnuts, showing from the glass just below the check counter.

 "Welcome to SweetBits, what can I serve you today?" a young redhead called my attention.

"Can I have a box of cupcakes please?" I unsurely blurted out.

The girl scribbled something on her tiny notebook and vigorously nodded. "Would you like it small, medium, or large? Small being four, medium is eight, and large is twelve"

"Small is fine, thank you"

I furrowed my eyebrows. Who even gets a large box of cupcakes all by themselves? Certainly not me. James though, probably James. I paid for my purchase and picked up the pink box from the counter. I said my goodbye and walked out, the freezing breeze almost pushing me off balance. Not sure where to go eat in peace, I strolled out of the street but something caught my eye. In one of the music shops was Bradley, or someone who looked exactly like him anyway. The young boy was wearing a newsboy hat and a baseball tee, I could almost swear it was him. I tried not to stare too much so I checked the time on my phone but, before I knew it, my feet were leading me into the shop.

"I'm sorry, miss. You can't bring food in here" a sweet-looking elder man informed quickly.

I gaped my mouth as to blurt out my awkward apologies when a voice cut me off. "She's with me, George"

I shot my eyes in that direction and, yes, the boy was definitely Bradley. He grinned and motioned me to get closer, so I did. I awkwardly made my way to the piano he was just about to play, all under poor George's attentive gaze. — "I won't open the box, Mr.George" I shyly spoke, not noticing how dumb that sounded before it was out. B snorted and playfully shook his head.

I stood by the piano, placed the box of cupcakes on the closed lid, and glanced in awe at Bradley's fingers gracefully sliding on the keyboard in such smooth movements. The melody he played was soft and comforting, like one of those pretty songs you hear before bed to rock you to sleep. The music felt like a warm hug from a loved one, a lullaby you would sing to a little kid, a song you'd play during night car rides.

"There's that smile again" Brad softly spoke, his eyes boring into my own as his hands kept moving along on the keyboard.


"That smile you always make when you feel happy"

I was taken aback by such an accurate description of how I was feeling. "And how would you know that?"

"Believe it or not, I see you" he cracked a shy smile.

My throat was dry, my mind empty. I switched the topic real quickly. "I didn't know you played piano"

Bradley's gaze met mine one more time. "There's a lot of things you don't know about me"

I cracked a smile. He was right.

"Take a seat? Sweet old Mr.Moore won't actually mind if you eat those cupcakes, he simply had a pretty bad experience with a couple of toddlers the other day" Brad quietly spoke with a soft laugh.

I laughed along. "Do I want to know?

"Yeh, you seem to really like sweet funny stories, don't you?"

The next thirty minutes went by chatting just about anything and him playing some more. Brad told me all about him asking Tristan to move in with him and everything I was hoping to know about it. He explained how he was completely and utterly sure he was over Taylor, but he knew he had to try harder to show us. He blocked her number and deleted all their chats and photos, that one night actually. I was happy for him and the way he was planning to let go of all the things that made him unhappy, I sort of wished I could do that, too. Which I technically could, but...yeah.

"It all sounds so nice" I genuinely let him know. "I'm proud of you, B"

Brad's lips curved up into a small smile before he suddenly frowned. "Don't get mad at James but...he kind of told me about Wells and...I'm sorry, I didn't know"

My gaze dropped to the floor in embarrassment. Dang you, James.

"I love how bold you're being about all that" the boy continued with a genuine tone and a shy smile. "I'm proud of you"


I walked back into Payton's with a huge grin on my face, ready to wrap up some actual work and head home as soon as possible. I texted the girls on the groupchat and asked if they had plans for the night. Kirstie's reply took me completely off guard. "Natasha invited all of us to your flat. You don't know?"

I stared at my phone's screen for a little too much. What? "What do you mean all of you?"

"I mean all of us ;) boys included"

I stared some more. What on earth?! Did Dad even know about that?! Oh boy oh boy oh boy. I internally panicked and yet again, couldn't focus on my job. It was somehow funny to me how I had moved to Birmingham to focus on my career only, yet that was the only thing I couldn't focus on. Unread text from Natasha. "Please don't get mad, I invited all your new friends over, game night tonight!! ;) Your dad wasn't too happy but I know his weak spot, be here before 8?"

I blinked, trying to register all the new information. I knew she was just trying to be nice and maybe set me up with some boy but everything was coming out a little bit too forced and annoying for my liking. Adding to my stress, Kim walked up to me with the fakest smile of all. "Hey Paigey, I know we're not really friends but we can be, right?" she giggled oddly. "So how are things with Brad? You're seeing him tonight?"

I looked up from my computer's keyboard and eyed her suspiciously. I decided to play along, I wasn't in the mood of fighting. "Things are good, thanks, and no, I'm not seeing him tonight. He's going clubbing with the boys at that new pub in town, can't remember the name"

The girl's face lit up. "Night Monkey?"

"Yeah, that one" I pulled up a fake smile as well. "Why?"

"No reason" Kimberly giggled and awkwardly pat my back before going back to her desk. She eagerly picked up her phone and sent a quick text, probably to her friend, giving her all the false information I had just made up. Sorry not sorry?

Unread text from Bradleyboy. "I can't wait to see you tonight, even tho your dad will be watching me :("

I cracked a smile and typed my reply. "Sorry about that, but at least you'll get to see me"

"The only thing I'm looking forward to, to be honest :)"

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