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I woke up the next morning, the bed cold beside me. The sheets indicated that Harry had not been in their comfort for quite awhile. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and heaved out a breath as I sat up. I moved my legs down from the bed, goosebumps filled my skin as the cold air hit my body. Across the room the window was opened, the soft sound of waves soothing my body. I slowly got up and made my way out of the room to go find Harry. 

I was confused at the no show of my boyfriend, the house empty without his presence. I pushed the window open above the sink and started a pot of tea. The sweet aroma of Chamomile tea made itself known in the air as I put the tea packets into the water. I looked out the window and saw that Harry had planted himself in the soft sand, his hair pulled into a ponytail. I smiled at the sight of him as he pulled his legs to his chest, resting his arms on his knees. I slipped on my sandals and made my way over to him, letting the tea steam. I walked over to him, sitting down next to Harry in the sand. Our feet wrapped around each other as I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"Good morning love." Harry's deep voice soothed. I sent him a smile and looked out at the water.

"How long have you been out here, Harry? I woke up and didn't see you." I said.

"I couldn't sleep for the longest time, finally after what seemed like hours I just got up. The air out here was so fresh I couldn't find the strength to come back in. Sorry if I scared you." Harry said as he pressed a kiss to my head. I played with his rings on his long fingers, imagining where he possibly got this many. "I have a present for you." Harry whispered into my ear. I leaned out of him slightly as he dug into his sweatshirt pocket, pulling out something in his palm. My heart fluttered against my chest as he loosened his hand around the sacred object that he was holding. It was his cross necklace he always wore, with one of my favorite rings that had decorated his fingers since the day I saw him. I smiled big and watched him hold it up in the air. 

"I don't make promises very well, but with you it seems to be easier. I need you to know that after everything that we had shared with each other, my feeling only got deeper for you. Before I was possessive and didn't grasp the idea of ever letting you leave my sights. I still am that way, but you calm me down. You listen to me, love me and comfort me when I let my walls down. These two things are the most important pieces I have ever received and I want the one thing that means the world to me to have it as a reminder of how I feel."

I listened to Harry, his words singing to me. I smiled big and watched him as he turned me around. I lifted my hair up for him to put it on. His fingertips brushed against my collarbone as he put the necklace on me, his lips leaving little kisses on my collarbone. I looked back at him and sent him a warm smile.

"I love you." Harry whispered. Those three words have never been spoken between us and at this moment I knew that we meant it. We knew deep dark secrets about one another and now nothing could change how we felt. 

"And I love you." I whispered back. Harry's lips formed into a big smile, his large hands taking my face softly. His thumb swiped over my bottom lip as he pressed his forehead against mine. 

"Say it again." Harry mumbled as he brushed his lips softly across mine.

"I love you Harry."

Harry smiled and pressed his lips against mine in a sweet passionate kiss. Our lips moved in sync, my arms wrapping around his neck as he lifted me up. He got up, my legs wrapping around his body as our kisses became more heated.

"I'll show you how much I love you. Please just give me time." Harry whispered in my ear as he carried me into the house.

"We should go to town again." I suggested as we got out of the shower we had just shared. 

"For what?" Harry said as he shook out the water in his hair.

"I thought we could go to the bakery across from the library and stroll through the town." I slipped on my undergarments and looked through my clothes. Harry put on his briefs and tight blue jeans. I put on my black sunflower decorated dress and black sandals, Harry necklace hanging from my neck. I helped Harry with buttoning his white shirt, his lips kissing my face everywhere

I giggled and ran out to the living room, grabbing my purse on the way out. Harry chuckled as he walked after me, his hands filled with his phone and car keys. We got into the car and made our way into town. "I worked in the bakery for a little bit." Harry told me as we found a parking spot.

"Did you?" I replied, getting out. Harry pulled me close to him, his eyes casting to the right. His features were tight, his body rigid.

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