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CHAPTER SONG: Dirty Harry- Grace


I slammed the door of her apartment hard, forcing myself to walk away. I heard a faint cry inside the apartment, letting it roll off- not going back.  She's weak, that's what she is. People who cry, they're not even worth time talking to. I wont go back, that isn't who I am. Carli didn't listen to me, which angered me beyond words. She acted like I didn't know what I was talking about, like I was stupid. I demanded and practically pleaded with her to listen to me.

Oh baby, I know more than you think. More than you want to know.

I looked back at the door and smirked. I knew she was scared of me, that it was clearly hard for her to control herself around me. My ego when I was around her grew, making me feel invinsable. I'm Harry Styles.

I walked past Louis's room, my smirk falling into a frown as my anger slowly boiled. I walked to his door and slammed my fist hard against it. I heard shuffling on the other side, but no answer. I slammed my fist harder against it and hissed through the door; "I know you're in there you little bi-"

The door swung open, revealing a tired looking Louis. "Harry.. Harry Styles." He smirked as my name fell out of his lying lips.

"Don't even think about it Tomlinson. You need to keep my name out of your mouth, ya hear?" I sent him an icy look, pushing past him into his apartment.

"Hello? Did I invited you into my apartment?" Louis demanded, slamming his door. Everything was dirty, misplaced like he didn't care. He couldn't look at me as I watched him, he was evidently nervous around me.

I smirked and sat down on his old looking couch. I put my arms on the back of the couch and looked at him. "No? Do I need permission from you?"

No answer.

Knew it.

"We need to talk. More like I need to tell you what not to do." I explained. "I heard you're talking to Carli, am I wrong?" 

Louis looked at me and scoffed surprised. "Why do you care? It doesn't involve you."

Louis, how hard it was to say it, was right. It didn't invlove me, but does that mean I don't care? No.

"Well, remember last time when I didn't care?" I said, my voice thick with emotion. The color drained from his face and I could notice how guilty he was just from his eyes. I knew that I had hit a nerve, so as cocky as I am, I pressed more harder. "Remember last time when she was begging you for mercy and you just.. you just stood there?"

"It wasn't like that.." Louis said, trying to convince me that he was telling the truth. In reality, he had to convince himself that it was the truth. I shook my head and held up my hand to tell him to stop talking. 

"I know he has something to do with it." I admitted. I knew from the beginning that Carli had to do with him, Louis is just a mouth piece to him. Louis had to distract her, and I can see it was working. Slowly.

"He doesn't!" Louis screeched. I was taken back at his outburst, but didn't show any emotion. Instead, I slitted my eyes and glared at him.

"Cut it out, Louis. She will know. Soon enough your lies will slowly come to the surface and you know what will happen?" I demanded. "You know what will happen?"

"I already know! Don't you think when I met her I knew! I knew who he was talking about! It was.. It was her! As sick and twisted he is.. He still loves her! You can't keep them away from each other. Whether you like it or not.. He always wins." (A/N: People are confused because they don't know who I'm talking about. Read further, I promise you will find out soon enough. :) )

I got up fast without thinking and took Louis's shirt in my fist and put my face in his. "Really? Don't I always win? Ask yourself. Come on." I hissed.

Louis swallowed as he listened to me, slowly nodding his head. 

"Listen, and listen good. I will only say this once. Tell your.. creep of a "friend" or boss or whatever you call him to tell him Harry Styles is watching. Carli will not be one of his play pieces in his little games."

Louis opened his mouth to say something but I talked instead, "Tell him that. Run to him like you always do. Carli will be protected. I won't let him have her." Why did I just say that? I sound too soft.

I cursed myself mentally but was glad when Louis didn't notice my.. softness. 

"She's not Sophia." Louis whispered, knowing that was a low blow. Her name caught me off guard, making me release Louis and stepping back. 

"Sophia has nothing to do with this." I coldly stated.

"She does. Because whether you like it or not, Carli reminds you of Sophia. You'll attach yourself to her and when he comes for her.. It will be exactly like what happened Sophia. So look out." Louis said, his voice filled warning.

I balled my fists and soon my anger blinded me. I swung at Louis, my fist connecting to his jaw loudly, making Louis fall and hit his on the end of his coffee table. My fist slammed into him over and over again, my energy never once leaving me. I stopped after awhile, seeing Louis not move a muscle. His body slumped on the floor.

Serves him right.

I wiped off my bloody hand on my jeans and walked out. 

Carli was nothing like Sophia.


Or maybe she is.

What did I get myself into?


I heard yelling from Louis apartment, making me lift my head. My eyes stared at the wall which connected to Louis's room, my heart beating fast. I stayed how I was, fear taking over my body. There was another person in his apartment and I instantly knew it was Harry. Getting up, I walked to my door and opened it. I saw Harry storm out the door, walking out of the building. Without thinking, I grabbed my jacket and slipped it on as I followed him. Harry took a left and slipped on his leather jacket. I waited a few seconds and walked behind an older man, trying to not be seen. Harry looked over his shoulder which made me duck behind the man.

I watched as he took out a pack of cigarettes and took one out,  lighting it up. He took a drag and puffed out the smoke. By the looks of it Harry looked stressed.

I felt a large hand grab my elbow and tug me into an alleyway. I screamed, but that hand pressed to my mouth. "Calm down it's me." A deep voice murmured into my ear, making chills go down my spine. His hand slowly slid down my neck and body, soon resting on my hip. I looked up at him, trying to control myself.

"What's going on?" I whispered to him as he took another drag from his cigarette, dropping his hand away from my hip.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Why are you here Carli?" He said emotion lost in his voice.

"But I will worry about it because its about me. Why in the world did you demand me from seeing Louis?  What's going on? Harry I- " My hands were suddenly pinned up above my head as Harry's lips forcefully attacked mine. My breath was taken away as I kissed him back softly.

Harry pulled away and sighed and whispered "Not yet Carli. Just leave me and Louis alone. Got it?"

I looked at him stunned and blinked. He kissed me and now... He's doing this? Harry looked away, silence falling in between us. I collected myself and ran back to my apartment.

 Two can play at this game.

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