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I woke up, my arm around Carli's bare waist. My eyes took her beauty in and I smiled. Last night was absolutely perfect to me, it wasn't rushed neither was it forced. In ways we had became one and I truly believed that it was the right thing. Now we have a connection that I wanted to tell everyone about. Making love was something that I had never experienced since Sophia and last night was the first time I had done it. It was better than anything I had ever experienced. Our clothes littered the oak floor, the smell of the morning breeze taking over my senses. The window was open and the vision of my opening it before we went to bed since it was stuffy inside clouded my head. I had loved falling asleep next to Carli, I didn't know it was so easy to.

I sat up, running my hands through my messy hair. I watched Carli stir in her sleep, a soft smile on her face. I chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her head. I got up, put some clean boxers and some joggers on. I walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind me. I was extremely hungry and decided that it would be nice of me to make breakfast this morning.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes, a cool breeze indicated that I was still uncovered from the night before. I replayed the things we did, a smile tugging on my lips. I had no regrets whatsoever. I felt loved and beautiful, I looked over and frowned at the sight of the bed being empty. I got up and slipped Harry's shirt on and some pants. I walked out of the room and smelled the amazing aroma of pancakes.

I walked into the kitchen and heard Harry's rough but smooth voice sing Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson. His bare back was facing me, sweatpants fitting snuggle around his toned waist. Harry looked back and caught sight of me, a smile on his face.

"Morning. Are you hungry?" I nodded and walked to him, sitting down on the counter. He looked over at me and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Are you okay? From last night?"

"I'm fine." I smiled and nodded. I felt some throbbing in my lower region as I walked, but it was becoming faint the more I moved It was weird, there were several girls in high school that would say things about losing your virginity. Some say it hurts, some say the pain is what makes it amazing. One will say you'll bleed and the other will say you have nothing to worry about.

"Are you sure? No regrets?" Harry said. It was cute how Harry worried so much about me, it was different. His hard exterior was placed with a caring and sensitive one.

"I'm still here aren't I?" I said, my voice barely over a whisper. Harry stopped cooking, his eyes boring into mine. Harry leaned over, pressing a kiss to my lips.

"Please don't regret it. That would kill me Carli." Harry softly pleaded.

"I don't Harry, I really don't. Why do you think I do?"

Harry sighed and shook his head. "I'll tell you later. Do you have class today?" He sat a pancake down on a plate and grabbed a fork, handing it to me. I took the yummy smelling food from him, nodding my head.

"Yeah." I sighed and took a bite out of the pancake, me grumbling in approval. Harry smiled and began eating his own.

"So, your mine now huh?" Harry asked after a few moments of silence. I swallowed my bite and slowly nodded.

"Who said I get into relationships with men I mess around with?" I joked, raising my eyebrow. Harry looked up at me from his plate of breakfast and sent me a smirk.

"Don't even get me started."

"Do you have any rules I have to abide?" I teased, sending him a playful wink.

"Oh of course I do. What kind of boyfriend wouldn't have rules?"

"A good one?" I giggled, making Harry chuckle. Boyfriend.

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