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I awoke to the soft chirping of birds, the light brightening up the room in a soft glow. I looked around and noticed that it wasn't my apartment, which made my heart quicken. I looked down at myself and found I was still in my clothes from yesterday. A soft mumble sounded beside me, making me turn in confusion. 

Sleeping next to me was Harry, his mouth parted open slightly. My eyes went big as I noticed that he was shirtless, thoughts running in my mind at the possibilities of what could have happened once I was asleep. Had he taken advantage of me? I didn't think so.

I knew I had a moment while Harry was sleeping, my eyes scanning over his features. His hair was long, shoulder length to be exact. His eyelashes were long and were adorable when they were closed together. His lips that I had kissed before were plump and slightly wet from his tongue. His breath was fanning out against my face, his breath smelling of mints. I smiled, softly tucking a curl behind his ear. I noticed that he had tattoos, more than the average everyday eye could see. Tiny ones and also big ones were scribbled across his skin, looking like each one had significance to him. A cross chain was wrapped around his neck, laying against his toned chest. I suddenly noticed that Harry's eyes were open, watching my every move.

"Morning love." Harry whispered, his British accent strong. His voice was husky from sleep and I had to admit that it was quite sexy.

"Why am I sleeping in your bed?" I whispered back.

Harry groaned and rubbed his eyes with his fists. "Too early for questions. Take shower. Eat. Then talk." Harry grumbled as he got up. I layed there, not knowing what to do. Harry looked at me and stretched. "I'll take you home after my shower yeah?"

I agreed with a nod and sat up. "Sure."

Harry nodded and proceeded into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I sat there alone in his room, my gaze fixed on the door. It was several minutes until Harry was finally ready to take me home. I would be late to my first college class of the day and I wasn't in the best of moods for that. I didn't want to make a bad impression on my teachers and felt like being late was a sure sign of that I didn't care. I walked to Harry's care and got in. 

"Are you okay?" Harry asked.

I merely nodded and put my seat belt on. Harry didn't say anything more as he drove to my apartment. Harry parked in front and shut off his car. "Thanks for letting me sleep at your place last night."

"No problem, how is your head doing? After all that information?"

"Great." I sarcastically mumbled, earning a chuckle from Harry. "I'll see you in class?"

"Yeah, don't be too late alright?" I nodded and gave a quick peck to his cheek, getting out of his car. I ran up to my door and quickly unlocked it, feeling a pang of anger as I walked past Louis' room. I wanted so badly to break in and seriously hurt him, but I knew that would do nothing for me. I quickly took a shower and changed into comfy clothing. I braided my hair carelessly as I grabbed my bag and walked to my kitchen. My stomach was growling for breakfast and I cursed myself when I knew I didn't have time, my hand grabbing an apple and a granola bar. I ate as I walked to the college, throwing the remains in a trash when I neared the corner to my class.

"You're late." My teacher stated. I sent her an apologetic smile and sat down next to a love sick looking Zayn. I hadn't seen him in forever it felt, since he got himself a girl. I felt a pang of jealousy at the thought of me being so easily replaced. I got out my supplies and smiled as Harry looked at me, sending me a playful wink in my way. I looked down at my blank paper, my mind racing with ideas.

The tip of my charcoal pencil lightly colored the paper, a smile of satisfaction on my face. My hands were dirty from my art, my skin showing how much passion I had for this subject. I pushed my hair out of my eyes and sat my pencil down, wondering when class would end. I was sad to see that it still had several minutes left and knew that this day would go by slow. It was only my first class of the day, sadly. I ran my fingertips across my forehead, massaging softly at my temples. I had been so worked up over the past week I thought I would crash and have a nervous break down. 

The teacher dismissed us, chatter slowly filling up the silent room. "Do you want to hang out with me tonight?" I asked Zayn, eager to hang out with someone.

Zayn looked at me, guilt evident in his eyes. "Sorry Carls.. Me and Perrie are going out on a date."

My heart dropped slightly at his rejection, my shoulders falling in disappointment. "Oh.." I managed to say. I was happy for him, sure. But couldn't he take one day off from her and hang out with his best friend?

"I'm sorry.." Zayn said, giving me a big smile. I knew he wasn't sorry, and that hurt. I nodded a response and grabbed my stuff, tears threatening my eyes. Zayn slowly left after that, Harry walking up to me.

"What happened?" Harry asked, his hand trailing down my arm.

"Zayn ditched me for his new girl." I shrugged, sending Harry a soft smile.

"That must suck, you okay?"

"Not really, but I have no room to talk. Since I've been hanging out with you." I playfully jabbed him in the ribs with my finger, a low chuckle coming from him. He shook his head and grabbed my bag from me. We walked to our next class, his cologne filling my senses.

"You know, we should do the plan tonight. Come over and we can talk about the details." I said, looking over at Harry.

"You sure about this?"


Revenge is nigh, and it's going to taste sweet.

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