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CHAPTER SONG: Medicine- Daughter


She walked into her apartment, slamming the door after her. I stood there and let down my shoulders. Good job Harry, You messed up again. I sighed and kicked Louis in the chest, hearing him grunt in return. I walked out of the apartment building and made my way to my care. The drive home was quiet, my mind going over things fast. I knew that I had to make up to Carli, for everything that I have ever done to her. If she's going to trust me about Louis, I need to show her that I'm not like the monster she thinks I am. I felt bad, sure. But I also felt bad for her. It looks like Louis already has his spell on her and it was surprising that it took not a long time. 

Or I could be wrong. 

She could have let her walls up and felt that something was wrong about Louis. I had no idea since I couldn't read minds. 

The day slowly drowned on, slowly arriving to the time I should get ready for tonight. I kept what I had on and walked to my car. I drove to the park, parking in a free spot. I got out and walked to the spot that I told Carli to meet me at. I really hoped that she would show up, since I needed to tell her who Louis exactly was.


I looked in the mirror, clearly not wanting to go tonight. I hated the fact that I was so easily persuaded, so easily taken advantage of. I loved my outfit, making me smile to myself. It was a short black skirt, lave knee high socks, black heeled boots and a maroon sweater. I tucked the sweater into my skirt, finally done with my outfit. My messy hair was in a bun, my make up was light. I put on my winter coat and walked down the stairs of my apartment. I walked out and scanned the park, my eyes resting on Harry sitting on a bench. His arms were resting on his knees as he flipped through his expensive looking phone. 

"You came." He said surprised. Why? Doesn't he know that I can't stay away from him? 

I sighed and nodded. "I did. Much to my dismay though, I wanted to stand you up and hurt your feelings." Harry chuckled which made me scowl. What was so funny?

"You're kinda like a little baby kitten when you're angry." Harry said, smiling big at me. "You can't threaten me, Carli. You're not scary."

I huffed out a breath, cursing as I felt myself blush. I sat down beside Harry and sat my bag down. "What did you want to meet me for? I have other plans."

"No, in fact you don't." Harry corrected. "Zayn is working and Niall is on a date with Patti Lindsey from our painting class."

I looked at him shocked, how did he know that? That little creep.

"You're a creep." I said out loud, making Harry chuckle.

"Thanks," Harry smiled and put his phone away. "I know it's cold, so would you like to go get something hot at the Coffee shop?" Harry got up, myself nodding in agreement. Harry helped me up, leading me to his car. My heart stopped a little at the sight of his sleek black Range Rover. But why should I be surprised? His dad is rich and he gets everything he wants. He helped me inside and got in after. 

"I hope you don't care if we go out of the city for coffee." Harry said as he began driving.

"Where are we going? Isn't there coffee shops in the city where we can go?" I asked, chewing on my bottom lip. Harry reached over and turned on the heat.

"Not good ones. Just trust me alright?"

"Why should I? For all I know you're a serial killer taking me to my doomed future." Harry chuckled again, shaking his head.

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