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Harry looked up, his features suddenly freezing. I looked at him and then at the unknown male standing by our table. Harry swallowed his bite and casually took a sip of his shake, making the man glare at Harry.

"So nice to see you, Karl." Harry said, his voice cold and emotionless. The man who was supposedly named Karl smirked at Harry as he put his hands on our table. He leaned in and I could smell the faint aroma of beer and weed. I made a disgusted face and looked down at my food.

"Who is this lovely babe?" Karl asked. I felt his breath fan over my hair, moving it slightly. I looked up and met his gaze.

"My name is-"

"Her name is none of your business." Harry shot in. I shut my mouth when I received a death glare from Harry, my fingers picking at my food.

"Is she your toy?" I choked on my food, my throat burning from the action. I grabbed Harry's milkshake and took a sip. Harry sent me a cute smile and looked back at Karl, his smile disappearing.

"My what?" Harry asked.

"Your toy. Remember that we had a deal Harry?" Karl stood up, his hand grabbing a chair and dragging it to our table. He sat down and rested his arms on the table once again.

A toy? What does that even mean? "No, we never had a deal. I told you that I was done with that stuff and you didn't want to let me go. She is not a toy and you need to get that through your thick skull. I'm not working for you anymore and I have no interest with your dirty business."


So Karl does what Harry used to do and what Liam does at the moment. I looked more closely at Karl, noticing that he too looked like he could run a business. His dirty blonde hair was pulled up slightly in a quiff style, his chin and jaw covered in a short gruffly beard. He was attractive, I had to say. But his eyes were dark and his countenance was nothing like Harry. I felt safe with Harry, Karl scared that crap out of me.

"You don't? Then why did Liam see you drive past his office? He isn't very happy with you. At all, actually." Karl explained, reaching over and taking one of my fries. He stuffed it into his mouth, chewing slowly.

"Why is he mad? I have a right to go to that town. He doesn't control it." Harry said as he clenched his teeth. It was my fault, really. I wanted to go see where Liam worked and Harry just did what I said.

"It was my fault." I butted in. Harry and Karl both looked at me, a smirk filling Karl's lips.

"And why is that kitty?" Karl said, his voice husky. Kitty? Why did he just call me a kitty? Harry looked absolutely furious at Karl, his hand removing his hat and running his long fingers through his messy hair.

"Don't call her that. You have no right to give my woman a pet name like that. Liam is her brother." Harry hissed. Karl's eyes went big in surprise, his mouth slightly agape.

"Really? I'm sorry about that kitty. I've actually never heard of you, okay really only once. Liam told me from the beginning that his sister died in a car crash and never wanted it brought up since it was too hard on him."

That was absolutely heart breaking to hear that Liam said that about me, what have I ever done to him? Harry reached over and took a hold of my hand, his thumb running across my knuckles.

"Yeah, that was kind of a jerk move if you ask me." Karl said as he stuffed more of my fries into his mouth.

"I thought you liked Liam?" I asked confused. Karl suddenly busted out laughing and Harry chuckled himself. Okay, this is really weird. Their attitudes practically did a 180.

"No! I hate his guts and want to kill him and everyone that works with Liam. Liam sadly is my partner in my business and loves to control everything that I do. The reason Liam talks to me about this lad over here," Karl pointed to Harry with his thumb, "is because Liam thinks he's a double threat to the business."

"What did he think I was doing this time?" Harry asked, his eyes not looking at Karl.

"Well, Liam thought that you're planning this big fire back to ruin him. To steal away his money and people. Blah Blah Blah."

"So the normal?" Harry asked. This happened on a daily basis? Great.

"Pretty much."

"Sorry that his people like me and think that I can do a better job than Liam. You know for a fact that I can have his company if I wanted it."

"Yes. I do know. But I also know if you try, you will ruin yourself and also kitty. Especially if that's Liam's sister. You know if you ruin him, he will come back and ruin you. That's how he works."

"Do you two like each other?" I asked Harry.

"Eh. We've had good moments, but usually no. The only thing we can ever agree on is how to run a business and how much we both hate Liam. Other than that, we're at each other's throat." Harry explained. "You should have seen us when we first met and Karl liked Liam."

"Yeah." Karl chuckled at the memory. "Harry and I had gotten into some pretty nasty fights. He would sadly usually win, but that made me hate him even more. But now I have a slightest bit of respect for him once he opened my eyes."

"To what exactly?" I said soaking up the new information.

"To Liam. I had been infatuated with him and wanted to be just like him, even though I'm older than the lad. I had been blind to all of the back stabbings, lies, darkness that Liam had been apart of. Liam has killed his best mates and had no shred of sorrow in his annoying body. I have sadly been apart of them and Harry here showed me the cruel things Liam is doing." Karl rubbed his chin and looked out the window. "But I will never tell Liam that I know what he has been up to, neither will I tell him how I really feel. If I could kick him out of his position for good, I would. Trust me."

"It was Karl who helped Liam get famous with everything. Win people's hearts." Harry said.

"Of course I did. Nobody liked him at first, thought he was a baby who still needed his mother. It was sad and cruel what Liam did to get himself on the top rank of gang lists." Karl looked at me, his cold eyes meeting mine. "I'm sorry that you have to call him your brother."

"She had no idea what he was doing before I told her. She thought that Liam lived in California and was a perfect little angel."

"So she's perfect?"

"To me. But you have to admit, you can't blame her. Liam is a liar and loves to control people."

"I can't deny that. I also can't deny that you will put her in danger in the future if you ever talk to Liam or run into him."

I sat there stunned, listening to their conversation. It was making me sick to hear this new horrid information about my brother. I was nothing to him, even I was delusional to his pathetic lies. Deep down I wanted Liam to be miserable, to lose everything. I had no idea how I could do it, but I wanted to.

"It was lovely meeting you, kitty. I hope you and I can become friends. You never know if you'll need help." Karl looked over at Harry as he got up. "Watch your back, mate. You know how Liam is."

"I should say that to you." Harry replied. "You're the one that works with him on a daily basis."

Karl chuckled and shook Harry's hand, leaving us behind as he walked out of the diner. I looked across the table at Harry, my heartbeat was faster than usual and I felt sick.

"Are you okay?" Harry whispered, concerned.

"No! Liam is the devil Harry! I hate saying that he's my brother, because I hate him! I hate his guts and I want to ruin him."

"You and me both." Harry muttered as he sent me a soft smile. We silently finished dinner and walked back out to our bikes. "Would you like to stay the night with me?"

I looked over at him and shrugged. "Why not? We have class tomorrow, though."

"Oh babe, you don't know who I am. I can pleasure your body so well in a short amount of time." Harry sent me a wink that heated my cheeks up in embarrassment. We rode on our bikes back to the middle of the city and dropped them off, trading them for Harry's nice Range Rover.

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