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I slammed my hands on my fathers desk, my anger getting the best of me. "You did what!?!" I screamed. My father gazed at me, no regret- or even any kind of emotion- was filling his numb face. My life was crumbling in front of my eyes and I had no control of anything anymore. I ran my hands across my face, tears pricking my tired eyes.

"Sorry, son."

"Really? You aren't sorry! You did something so unforgivable!" I screamed back. My mother jumped in her seat, tears falling continuously down her cheeks. A new bruise was forming on her left eye, a trophy- that was what my father called it. He would take a picture of what he had done to her, blackmail her with it so he could do it again and again. I hated his guts, more than words can explain. I wanted to kill my father, to see him suffer like he made everyone around him.

"It was nothing wrong." My father argued.

"You drank my life savings away! You got into my account and stole every penny that I worked hard for! For what? To get your stupid drugs and alcohol!!!"

"How dare you accuse me of doing drugs!" My father shot back. I rolled my eyes, he had to be joking! I'm 19 and I know when someone is a hard-core user. I walked over to his closet in his workspace, where the drugs were packed away hidden from the word. My father jumped up, his face showing that he was scared that I knew the truth. I shoved the door opened, looking over my shoulder.

"Shall you tell your wife that you're lying to her or should I?" I said, smirking once I knew I had my grip on him. My mom was stupid, in a sense. I loved her but what was she doing with a monster like him? She still loved him through all the crap he had done to her and to his kids. I knew that she never stood up for Carli whenever my father abused her. I was glad that Carli was at school right now, I don't think she could handle something like this right now. It was her senior year and she was crowded as it is.

My dad walked quickly over to me, shoving me out of the way. He sighed loudly as I hit the ground, his tall frame hovoring over me. I quickly got up, shoving him back. My dad was caught off gaurd, his body hitting the wall hard. I heard my mother scream for us to stop, but I was so done with her not doing anything- I didn't listen as I opened up the cupboard, my dad's dirty secret falling in plain view. Needles in bags fell down to the ground, little bottles filled with unknown substance stacked up several bottles high. Guessing, this all was worth thousands of money. How did he get the money to pay for this? Not from a place my mother knew about, that was for sure. My mother gasped as the needles hit the ground, her hand flying to her mouth to cover it. Soft sobs escaped her lips. Her husband and father of her children had a dirty secret, something so dirty it could get him killed.

But was that a bad thing?

I looked over at my mom and opened my mouth. "Do you see now? He isn't someone that you married whatever years ago mom!"

She shook her head, disbelief clouding her face as she sobbed. I knew that her heart was broken beyond repair, what was she going to do to my father? Hopefullyt something I could help with. My hatred for him had grown so much these past years, making me feel like I wanted nothing to do with him. I knew it was sad to say something like that about your own father, but he was screwed up and know my mom knew. Sadly, I knew that this instance of spilling secrets wouldn't change anything. She would still love him no matter how rude he was. What would change her outlook on him? Nothing.

I watched as my mom got up, went to the needles on the ground. Picking them up in her hand, she looked at my father with confusion. "Baby.. What.. What.."

"It's nothing. I promise. It was a friend of mine and I just needed to hold them for a little while. He's paying me to keep-"

"Seriously!!? Tell her the truth!!!" I interrupted, my loud voice going over his. My father looked over at me, his glare hardening at the sight of me. I knew he felt threatened by me, and I was glad of that. I shook my head and glared back at him. "You are a fool, aren't you? You're practically ruining lives here. Mine, Carli's and especially your wife. Who is too stupid to know how much of a horrible person you are."

"Don't you dare call her stupid!"

"Oh? Then what is she? Huh?" I questioned, my eyebrow raising. My father said nothing, which didn't surprise me at all. My mother was still sobbing, her face hidden in her shaking hands. I walked out of the room, only to come back once more.

"I need you two to listen. First, father, I hate you. I really hope that you die a painful miserable death. I hated you for years now. Second, mother, You will never get my forgiveness. Do you understand? You never stood up for me, especially Carli. You watched your husband turn into a monster and look what he's doing! You are both equally as bad. You should have stopped him, it is your fault too." I said, my voice laced with darkness and hatred. My father had tears in his eyes, fake probably. I stormed down to the basement where my room was placed. I looked around it it's mess and got a brilliant idea. I just met a guy named Karl, I think he told me he was living in New York. Somewhere not even remotely close to this dump of a place. I grabbed my new luggage that I had just bought, shoving all the stuff that I called mine in it. I zipped it up when I heard the voice of my younger sister, Carli.

"Liam, where are you going?" Her voice was soft, probably because she didn't want to upset father anymore than he was right now because of me. I looked over her and shook my head.

"Away. I can't live here anymore, Carli."

I walked past her with my stuff, walking up the narrow stairs. I heard her sniffle, my heart breaking in my chest. I was leaving her with my father that I knew abused her. I saw almost every day how she tried to remove the scratches and bruises that my father gave her. Make up only made them look worse, but I said nothing.

"What do you mean? You can't leave me!" Carli softly cried. I put my things into my car and turned to her, my hands softly cupping her wet face.

"Carli, I'm sorry. I really am. I hope that you can forgive me. I promise that I will call you every time that I can ok? If anything happens to you, I promise you that I will be your superhero. I love you." I kissed her forehead as she cried. I opened my door, my name being called by my mother. I looked back and saw my parents standing in the front doorway.

"If you leave, you aren't welcomed back." My dad harshly said. Does he really think that would hurt me? All it did was make me not want to come back even more.

"Good. I'm not coming back." I snapped. My sister crumbled into the grass, her sobs louder. I got in my car and drove away, knowing that my promises that I had made with Carli would not come true. Because from now on I am a different man. Someone who was going to get revenge.

*****PRESENT TIME******


I screamed out in pain, Louis' foot striking me several times. My body was going numb from the pain, my soul slowly dying with my hope of being saved. I looked over at Harry, my vision cloudy. He was crying, his eyes watching me get beat without mercy. I reached for Harry, my arm reaching out to him. A scream fell from my lips, louder this time as Louis' foot stomped down on my arm hard. A cracking sound pierced the air, my arm becoming numb with the most pain I have ever felt in my entire life.

"Don't you dare!" Louis screamed. I laid there helplessly, my eyes squeezing shut as my brain became fuzzy. I tried to think of ways to get away from everyone, but sadly I knew that this was it. I was going to die without any second chances. I was pleading with God to have some miracle happen, maybe it was just too late for that. Maybe this was my punishment for not being my best throughout my life.

"Please... I'm.." I croaked, forcing the words to come together in a sentence. "Help me."

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