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I sighed through my nose and stared at Carli's closed bedroom door. I looked down at the ground, my fingers rubbing my tired eyes. I heard shuffling from her room followed by soft cries. Without thinking, I got up and walked to the door. My fist connected against it softly.

"Baby? Baby I know you're crying." I whispered, leaning against the doorway. There was movement close to the door and a soft sob. "Please let me in. I can make you happy again if you let me."

The door cracked slightly, Carli's red face slightly visible. Her hand gripped the door hard, her knuckles turning white. I softly sent her a smile and gently pushed the door open. I walked in, closing the door behind me and facing Carli. Her hair was still pretty damp, sticking to her already wet face. Carli's body shivered slightly and I could hear her teeth chattering softly. I walked the short distance to her and helped her take off her shirt.

"W-What a-are you d-doing." She chattered. 

"You're cold and you need to change." I whispered back. Carli nodded and helped me take off her heavy water filled jeans. I put her dirty clothes in a pile as she slipped off her lingerie. My eyes took in the naked beauty in front of me, my teeth biting down on my lower lip. Carli rolled her eyes and weakly smiled. I chuckled and walked to her dresser, opening up the first drawer with her undergarments neatly placed in the wooden square. I picked out my favorite pair that I could find, handing them to her. Carli slipped them on and yawned softly.

"Tired?" I cooed. Carli nodded, giggling as I cooed to her. I decided to cancel our lunch date and let her sleep, knowing she would get cranky if she didn't get some kind of nap. I took off my shirt and slipped it on her. Carli smiled at me and walked to her bed, getting under the covers and snuggling into the bed. 

"What about our plans for going on a date?" Carli softly asked.

I shook my head and laid down next to her, moving her head onto my bare chest. She wrapped an arm lazily over me and cuddled close to me for warmth. I could feel her breath softly fan over my stomach, her wet hair smelling faintly of vanilla. "Don't worry about that right now. We can always go out to dinner or do it another day. It doesn't have to be today."

Carli looked up at me and sent me a small smile. "I forgive you."

"You do? So soon?" I said confused. I thought she would hold a grudge, stay mad at me for a long time. But yet again she amazed me and at this moment I just fell in love with her a bit more. 

"Don't get all hyper. You still have to make it up to me." A giggle fell from her lips and I chuckled in return, shaking my head. I knew that there was a down side from her forgiving me so easily.

"Of course, princess." I could tell that she loved that I called her that pet name. A big smile stretched across her lips and Carli giggled louder. I loved how she wanted me to call her these names, it was different. I had used pet names in the past, but girls always complained since it was a "discrimination of sexes". I had made a mistake of getting myself involved with girls who thought they were so highly put up, who thought they could get whatever they wanted since they were 'perfect'. Carli, was different. She has doubts about herself and I love that because I get the chance to tell her again and again how much perfect she is for me.


My eyes fluttered open as I woke up, my hands raising and rubbing my tired orbs. A sleeping Harry was laying down next to me, his breath fanning over my face. I quietly got up and walked to my bathroom, jumping in the shower. After I had finished, I dried myself off and slipped on my outfit for the day.  A black loose crop top with cute little designs, high waisted jeans, sandals and simple jewelry. I put my hair up into a bun and took my time with my make up. I slid my favorite coral colored lipstick across my lips, rubbing them together until I was satisfied with the look.

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