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My eyes fluttered open, slowly landing on Carli. She was still asleep, her soft breathing coming in short pants. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and slowly sat up. Carli looked better from last night, but I'm sure that her heart was shattered and her self-esteem was blown. I felt bad, really. I knew what kind of person Harry is and I wished that Carli left him alone. But someone as sweet and caring as her, it was hard to stay away from him. Harry did want to make amends, I know that. But again he got in the way of everything and ruined it. During the night I stayed up with Carli, watching her intensely. She had woken up in pain and cried for several minutes. I freaked out since I had no idea what to do or even to say. Sorry wouldn't make it better. I got up once as she cried to find something for her to take, but she sobbed and begged me to lay back down and keep her warm. 

I got up and quickly looked at Carli. No movement. I smiled and walked to her neat kitchen and got out a few pots and pans. I thought that since I was awake and here, I should make her something warm fro breakfast. I had gone grocery shopping for her as she slept, letting Zayn stay with her. I got stuff for berry pancakes and was excited to make them for everyone. 

"Hey mate, how's she doing?" Zayn said after he woke up from his spot on her couch. 

"She's asleep now. I'm going to be surprised if she doesn't have any pain when she wakes up."

"How long was she outside for?" Zayn asked as he popped a berry into his mouth, chewing slowly.

"I calculated last night 4 hours."

"4 hours!?! That can't be! That's impossible!" Zayn raised his voice.

"Shh, be quiet." I reminded him. "Yeah, she had been walking for hours and it took me a long time to get to her because even I got lost."

"Man.. I can't even imagine how cold she must have been.." Zayn shook his head and put his hair into a short ponytail.

"She had the first stages of Frost Bite. Zayn.. Why in the world did Harry do that?"

"Frost Bite? I have no idea why Harry would be that kind of jerk towards someone so innocent like Carli. Did she look bad when you picked her up?"

I nodded, the horrifying image of Carli in the snow haunting my tired mind. "Horrible. Horrifying. She looked like she was about to lose it. I'm glad she called me after you didn't answer." I sent Zayn a glare as I flipped some pancakes. 

Zayn held up his hands in defense and swallowed "I'm sorry! I was working and I can't have my phone! But trust me.. I felt and still feel horrible for it." Zayn looked down and rubbed his eyes. "I'm not a very good friend after that. Do you think that she'll be mad at me for not being there?"

"Probably, but I think that she'll be more mad at Harry."

"Serves him right." He hissed. "I don't think she should ever talk to him again, after last night. What do you think he's doing right now?"

"Trust me, I think that she won't talk to him. But you know him, he gets what he wants and I think everyone knows that. But she must have said something that was beyond personal for him. And he probably is somewhere getting drunk."

I heard a faint cough coming from her bedroom, making Zayn and I freeze. "She's awake!" I whispered at Zayn.

"Here, you keep cooking. I'll go see how she's feeling." Zayn nodded and disappeared into the bedroom. 

CARLI'S P.O.V        

My eyelids fluttered open, pain shooting throughout my stiff body. The pain was taking over my thoughts, tears sliding down my cheeks. Last night was playing in my sleepy mind, making my tears come more fast. I was hurting everywhere, what did I ever do to deserve this? The light was shining in my face, making me snuggle it into my pillow. I coughed, quickly regretting the gesture as my lungs started to throb. 

"Carli?" I heard Zayn softly say. I slowly uncovered myself, looking over at him. Guilt and sadness filled his flawless features.

"Zayn." I croaked, my throat dry. Zayn sadly smiled and came over to me.

"How do you feel?" He asked, putting his hand on my forehead.

I shook my head, not being able to say anything. I felt horrible and I thought that I would be alright since I was warm now. But the effect of the winter blast still tortured my body, claiming it as its own. 

"You look horrible." Zayn admitted, not knowing it blasted my already low self esteem. 

"Thanks." I whispered, glaring at him. Zayn tried to smile but failed miserably. 

"Niall is making some breakfast, would you like me to carry you to the living room?" I nodded slightly, Zayn picking me up in his strong arms. He carefully carried me, my face snuggled into the crook of his neck. I held on tightly to him, trying to keep myself up even though Zayn had a tight grip.

'Good morning!" Niall boomed making me flinch in pain. Niall looked guilty and swallowed. "Sorry.. Forgot. How are you feeling?"

I shook my head, not wanting to talk to anyone. 

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