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I drove home in silence, my own anger filling every inch of my body. Why did Zayn have to tell my own father something that I did? Better yet, why does my dad care about what I did to Carli? In my life, he had never cared about anything that I had done. Never. 

Why now?

My father didn't know anything, I mean I don't think he doesn't. I sighed a heavy breath and parked at my house. No one was home and I silently thanked my dad for letting me have some space. I walked inside and walked up to my room.

"Hello?" My mother's voice said. I smiled into the phone and took a deep breath.

"Hi mum, it's Harry." 

"Harry!" She gasped, clearly surprised that I had called her. "What a surprise!"

"I'm sorry that I haven't called in awhile mum, I've been busy." I said, my own guilt taking it's place in my chest. 

"I understand Harry. So your father told you I am moving to New York, yes?"

"That's right. Are you really? He didn't really tell me a whole lot about it." I said. "Just that you're moving down here and starting a flower shop."

"Yes, yes that's right. So.. I took a few cooking and baking classes here and I fell in love with it. It also helps that my fiance is a baker."

"Mum, you're getting married?" I said, my breath catching in my throat. I had no problem with her getting remarried, in fact I was happy for her. But the guilt had gotten stronger and I knew that if I talked to her more I would have known.

"Harry, I know I should have told you. But I wanted to tell you over the phone. You never called so I haven't gotten the chance to tell you. His name is Robin and we're moving next week." She explained.

"What day exactly?" I asked.

"Wednesday. Can you help us move Harry? I can even show you where the bakery will be placed. Harry.. It's going to be so beautiful. I cannot wait!" I chuckled at her excitement and sat down on my bed. "Son.. I have to go. I will text you when we need your help. I love you son, I really do."

"I love you too mum. See you soon." I hung up and tossed my phone on my pillow. I was exhausted but I didn't want to sleep. I needed to say sorry, go see Carli and see how she's doing. But I also knew that how hard I tried, Carli would still hate me. I don't blame her. The horrible thing I have done is beyond rude and cruel. My phone buzzed, indicating that I had received a text.

Dad: Invite Carli to our house party tonight.

I got up and walked back downstairs to my car. I knew she didn't want to hear it, but I couldn't stay away from her like this. How hard it is to admit, I think I'm falling for Carli. But now I don't ever think that she will give me a chance and show her that I want to change. 

I can change...

I mean...

I think I can.


I walked out of class as my tears fell down my cheeks. I hated Harry, I really did. He was such a cruel monster and I wanted nothing to do with him. I felt horrible and I just couldn't sit in class feeling like this. I heard footsteps behind me and was happy to see that Zayn had left too.

"I'm really sorry.." I whispered to Zayn. Zayn smiled and shook his head, taking my backpack from me and holding it.

"Don't be sorry. I didn't want to be in class today." He chuckled as we walked. 

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