Part 15: Like Old Times

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"Hey Gruncle Ford. Look here. " I was in the basement like usual for the past week, wearing a simple t shirt and jeans, I was able to relax since I didn't have to hide anything from Ford. Carrying over the newest Journal, I swiped over to the page I added from Ford's notes about the cave he visited. " If this is correct, you and Gruncle Stan were pretty close to the triangle, and if you look... here. " I guided my hand along the outlined map I created in the book. " It point directly to Camelot. As least I think it does, it was in the ballpark so I figured it was aimed right for that point. "

" Impressive Dipper, this would be amazing if it turns up true, then we could be a step closer to finding out if Excalibur truly existed. Then again if legends are true, the Lady of the Lake could be real,  and it would be there. " Ford rubs his chin as he ponders over these facts, at least possible fact. Patting my back as he laughs out in a short burst, he brings himself about to begin adding more details to my map since he was always quicker with the pen, and I generally jotted more than went too far into details.

" At least it's a clue, Stan probably knew what you guys found but didn't want to bother further when you told him to leave. " I turn about and walk across the room to the far table, pulling out the schematics for the updated interdimensional portal, of course this one was constructed for viewing but at best it was to see if we could safely open up any connection to the realm he spent most his life in.

" That is true, after everything Stanley really became like his old self, less angry and more appreciative of life. Then again he still enjoyed our treasure hunts to a higher degree. " We share a laugh before I measured out a few items, mostly seeing if the compartments that would house the wires or power flux's would fit without burning the surroundings, or at least wrecking the metals once we harvested more of the alien ship.  "  Suppose though his admiration for becoming rich lead us to those finds, I honestly didn't even plan for the funds I would need to rebuilt the lab, much more Stanley made me realize we would need to move to our own place eventually. 

"  Ya, putting the burden of everyone living here might cause more stress when the kid arrives. Soos does a lot as it is, he needs more help than to put up with us. He has done so much over the years to this place it's hard to see it as home still, at least the home we know. " I turn about and lean on the table, my arms folding and the symbols I had tatted on each began to show a bit more clearly, never meant to really intersect, they still crossed lines every now and then with symbols and phrases that I had been studying for so long.

" You know, when me and Stanley do move, I'd like to make sure we get a place big enough for you kids to live with us. I know you two likely will go off to college once you are ready, but having a place you can always go... well I just don't want either of you to ever worry. " Ford remained drawing, keeping up with his thoughts and speaking openly as usual.

" Wow... Um. I mean that is great.. "  Rubbing the back of my neck, I shift uncomfortably to turn away and walk in towards the remains of the old portal, looking up at it as I call out. " I mean me and Mabel would be---"

" Mabel and Me. Grammer. "

" Haha, Ok ok Mabel and Me. " That joke was old but with Gruncle Ford it was just refreshing for his old habits to be more fun than serious now. " We would love that, I can't tell you how excited Mabel will be to hear that. Me...  I still feel like I need to be away from everyone. Soos can tell you this is the most I have been here when I'm not working. I don't feel like I belong here and I can't begin to tell you how hard it is to... to-- "

" Mason " Dipper " Pines. " I froze entirely as his hand gripped my shoulder firmly, shaking me back for a moment and turning me to face him. " I never had kids, and I know saying you are like a son I never had isn't quite right, but you are our kids. We would do anything for you and Mabel just like your parents would. SO believe me when I say there is nothing you have to run from in this family. We love you two and we will always welcome you back. " I could feel that pain return, but with Ford holding my shoulder and his words easing my worries, it passed through for but a moment and I exhaled hard before looking up with a genuine smile.

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